A2A Accu-Sim Update 1/17/2017

- B377 “Captain of the Ship”
- Piper J3 “Cub”
- P-47 “Razorback”
- B-17 “Flying Fortress”
- Supermarine “Spitfire”
- P-40 “Warhawk”
- P-51 “Military” Mustang
- P-51 “Civilian” Mustang
- C172 “Trainer”
- Piper Cherokee "180"
- C182 "Skylane"
- Piper 'Comanche" 250
- North American T-6 "Texan"
5/9/2016 - 1/17/2017 CHANGES:
- Accu-Sim Core:
(remember the updater will show the P-51 as already being updated because this change was made to the shared core Accu-Sim)
- T-6
- Fixed rudder trim animation
- Fixed rear exit clickspot
- 2D Controls: Rear canopy switch
- Fixed NAV/GPS switch initialization
- Comanche:
- Fixed error in Comanche drag
- HSI compatible with Mindstar GPS
- Cessna 182:
- Fixed HSI rotating during tow even when battery is off
- Cessna 172:
- A2A folder with all contents
- SimObjects \ Airplanes \ [any A2A aircraft] folders with all contents
- Create a Gauges folder and just copy the A2A_Accusim.dll to this folder
- Adjusted hydraulic level capacity (was causing hydraulics to not work when only under 50%)
- Brakes tuned
- Static height raised to avoid crashing when porting to an airport from the air
- Fixed Heidis' uv mapping
- Restored support for older Windows XP versions
- Oil clean kit goes off above 3 kts
- Fixed NAV/GPS switch
- Fixed hierarchy in the MDLs
- Some optimization
- Not retractable tail wheel
- Autostart disabled when on the jacks
- Fixed blinking animation
- Fixed rudder pedals brake animation
- Pilot's Notes: Added "Check for RPM drop" with carb heat test
- Startup smoke
Heading selector fixed
Kollsman window dial with UV light fixed
Magnetos operated by left and right mouse button (and the wheel)
Smoother prop animation
- Smoother prop animation
- Typo corrected
- Prop wind forces re-calibrated
- Animated yoke with autopilot in GPS NAV mode
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- Commented out recommended areas of the panel.cfg files
- Strobe lights in P3D v3 fixed
- Small window steam fixed
- Reexport of P3D2 cockpits
- ADF needle physics
- Reduced speed mod drag reduction
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- IDENT 100 panel window can't be undocked
- type=special
- Aircraft Configurator
- Smooth ADF/VOR needle
- Custom side forces
- Lowered gear and flap drag
- type=special
- Smooth ADF/VOR needle
- Custom side forces
- Typo in electrics (noticeable when loading rockets)
- Lowered gear and flap drag
- Enhanced impact of weight on flight dynamics
- Fluid response
- The full approach to flare transition has more feedback to the pilot
- Taking off full gross is more convincing, as the wings push more into the wind with the added weight
- Enhanced ground thumps (simulating bumps passing from front to rear wheels)
- ADF smoothing improved
- New avionics timers code
- Lowered landing gear rumble sound
- Removed fuel return line
- Auto Start brings the pilot in
- 2D Walkaround: Stall warning vane
- 2D Walkaround: Possibility of engaging wheel chocks
- Small fix in parking brake code
- Corrected visibilities of the panel caps for the Mindstar GPS units
- Increased the landing light brightness
- Control lock fixed
- Airspeed indicator: Vne red radial at 181 MPH
- Autopilot controls for the hidden yoke mode
- Constant speed trim shortcut
- Smooth ADF and improved avionics timers
- Minor fixes to the wingtips and leading edge of the wings
- Com1/Nav1 force on with 3rd party GPS
- Smooth ADF and improved avionics timers
- Davtron clock bugfix
- 2D Walkaround: Stall warning vane
- 2D Walkaround: Tie downs and wheel trigger parking brake on
- Small fix in parking brake code and initialization
- RXP GNS fixes
- Fixed bug in flap actuator
- Control lock fixed
- Cold & Dark engages the controls lock
- Smooth ADF and improved avionics timers
- Davtron clock bugfix
- Increased generator voltage output
- Mindstar GNS 530 fix
- Fixed COM1 fail with 3rd party GPS.
- 2D Panel, Radios: The panel adjusted for 3-rd party GPS units
- HSI hading selector/gyro drift knob: left click toggles the modes
- Aircraft Configurator: Improved sim recognition logic
- Cig. lighter
- Input Configurator: Landing lights shortcuts
- Added gear rumble
- Restarting the radios when switching GPS, fixes invalid fail state
- The states of the radios are remembered when switching from GPS to NO GPS and vice versa
- Constant speed trim shortcut
- Re-calibrated elevator / trim controller response
- The Auto Start brings the pilot in
- Small fix in parking brake code
- Corrected frequency files location
- Corrected RXPGNS.ini
- Controls lock fixed
- Better sim recognition logic
- 2D Walkaround: Possibility of engaging individual wheel chocks
- Cherokee airspeed error corrected
- Ground bump sounds louder
- Prop side loading physics
- Aircraft Configurators now have radio buttons with check marks
- Clipboards include fuel flow accurate to 1/10th gallon
- Corrected RXP configuration files where necessary
- New autopilot code from Skylane development, including moving yoke
- Added the support for Flight1 and Mindstar avionics
- New Aircraft Configurator for easy management of optional avionics and landing lights
- Improved the radiostack lightmap brightness
- Slight trim adjustments syncing to most recent test flights
- Larger oil cooler capacity
- Fixed DME storing location
- Dual 3rd party GPS setups
- Autopilot support default FSX shortcut for engagement
- Actual propeller visible in the Paload & Fuel Manager
- A custom GPS can be set to NO GPS (2D panels: Controls)
- KX-155A: holding MDOE for 2 seconds resets OBS to the current radial
- Restored trim tab repositioning to up when neutral in the cockpit
- Elevator trim damage bug fixed
- 3d Model: Added missing text to the audio panel
- Restored HSI gyro drift in free mode
- Corrected DME Freq save location
- Fixed flooding flag in Engine Details
- New Aircraft Configurator for easy management of optional avionics and landing lights
- Added the support for Flight1 and Mindstar avionics
- Larger oil cooler capacity
- Corrected DME Freq save location
- 182 Autopilot fixed
- Cherokee turn coordinator and comms transfer switch fixed
- Enhanced departed flight system (stall), for better feedback when flying on the edge (Spitfire and P-51's).
- Cleaned up some code
- Pregnant Guppy backup attitude indicator fixed
- Cleaned up some code
- Guppy altimeter fixed
- Improved fuel selector sounds
- Sun visor sounds
- Improved radio button sounds
- Changed the angle of taxi light
- Added the option to remove the external model shakes with code (for cockpit builders)
- 2D panels. Walkaround. Pitot temperature check icon gray out when pitot cover is on
- Static air lever sound
- Electrical charge sound
- Slightly tuned aileron effectiveness at very slow speed
- Added the grill to the loudspeaker on the ceiling
- Fixed default landing lights
- Elevator lift won't happen if the elevator UP actuator is broken
- Prop strike code corrected to avoid prop strike when repositioning to a new airport
- Low fuel triggers AFK emergency pause.
- Added mechanical fuel pump condition to engine accessories condition and "inspect engine"
- Fixed animation of the right door handle in external view
- Fixed altimeter texture
- Added missing text to the audio panel
- Altimeter and VSI gauges changed from Cessna-like to Cherokee-like
- Low fuel triggers AFK emergency pause
- AUTO feature when engaged: selected transmitter will be matched automatically with receiver.
- Added mechanical fuel pump condition to engine accessories condition and "inspect engine"
- Prop strike code corrected to avoid prop strike after re-positioning to a new airport
- Autopilot turn knob tooltip shows values.
- Increased sound distance volume
- Improved internal engine pressure behaviors allowing the aircraft to perform better at very high altitudes.
- Increased the turbo's resistance to high temperatures.
- Fixed fuel consumption estimations and updated clipboard with our latest standard of info
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes.
- Fixed Spitfire slow running cutout switch (stops quicker)
- Benefits from the core Accu-Sim "Heavy metal" update
- Updated propeller sounds
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes.
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes
- Prop and supercharger efficiencies updated
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes.
- GPS. Missing bitmaps removed.
- Avionics switch goes on/off if engine is on/off.
- Prop and supercharger efficiencies updated
- AFK: Unpause resets the counters
- AFK: Low fuel triggers afk emergency pause
- Load Manager: Baggage compartments now in three sections (Baggage A, B, and C)
- Aircraft Configurator tool v1.1: Individual 3rd party GPS options
- 2d panels. Controls: "Experimental" label is now optional
- Set aircraft trim position exactly to our test aircraft
- Added detail and shadowing to leather trim in the cockpit
- Tow speed increased
- Capped small hole on the top of the dash
- Fixed inHg gauge/tooltip innacuracies
- Fix for radio not working with 3rd party GPS
- Fixed fuel selector shortcuts
- Corrected cowl flaps shortcut
- Fixed tow text
- Fixed rudder trim blocked when AP on
- Removed experimental aircraft rigging code
- Maintenance Hangar: Changed the name "Flaps seals" to "Flap gap seals"
- Slight independent tuning of rudder effectiveness at very low speeds
- Airspeed indicator AoA errors added which means airspeed will indicate lower speeds when very slow
- Made the initial battery draw cumulative and not a minimum value (was masking some single state electric items)
- Re-coded battery code, which increases battery life but lowers charge rates
- Fuel injected primer more sensitive to cold (will need more primer for very cold starts)
- Engine sounds reverberate off terrain (should notice sound drops off appropriately as you lift off)
- New propeller physics increases propeller load with lateral speeds (slips)
- Re-coded fouling in an effort to help some who are experiencing difficult engine starts
- New climb gauge physics (slower and matched to real plane)
- Added GPSMAP to external model when selected
- ADF card "12" typo corrected
- Corrected autopilot initialization lights sequence
- Removed unwanted remnants from the radios texture
- Added model.ini for aicraft customizations
- "Generator field breaker" typo corrected
- Tuned the neutral trim a bit for neutral glide tests
- 2D. Maint. hangar: sponsors popups clickspots fixed.
- Fixed propeller issue in multiplayer
- Corrected mouse wheel toggle events on various switches and levers.
- Fixed bug that caused 4% more nose down attitude with full flaps
- More linear braking meaning more sensitivity when partially applying the brakes
- Bug where if the plane was left for more than 72 hours, cylinder conditions could be altered
- Primer lasts longer
- New cylinder firing and plug fouling logic. Engine won't stall after landing unless you pull the throttle full back and allow the plugs to "load up." After starting, you may notice it takes a 1/2 minute for the engine to run smoothly. This is expected and normal behavior.
- Added and tuned the effects of various flap positions on pitch
- Repaints configuration system
- Fixed autopilot alt joystick shortcut
- Adjusted aircraft attitude and struts on ground
- Restored elevator trim axis when autopilot is on
- Throttle response quicker (was too slow across the board)
- Slightly increased side forces to match new slip tests
- Fuel return line limited to the capacity of a tank
- Disabling C172 elevator trim asssigned through Input Configurator when autopilot is on
- Highly realistic textures with the latest A2A texturing techniques
NOTE: Without the Accu-Sim add-on the user will see the reports but they will have no effect on the aircraft. Selecting the 377 will give you a brand new aircraft with no wear or damage each time.
- Animated air stairs (will appear when the aircraft is on the ground and the passenger door is opened)
- ADI, Oil levels, and CO2 can be refilled from the Realtime Load Manager
- Improved takeoff warning when flaps are not correctly set to require engines to be running AND to have BOTH engines 1-2 and 3-4 over 75% power
- Improved navigators map features and functions
- New autopilot with more tuned and natural handle / bank behavior
- New control mapping tool to allow mapping autopilot handle and turbo lever to any controller axis
- Mixture levers can be controlled via default mixture lever assignments
- Autopilot pitch can be mapped to keys
- New radio 2D panel (for those who want the most simple radio control)
- 2D Controls panel can now 'gang' engines together for ease of use, for example, operate all cowl flaps with one button while outside the aircraft
- Improved auto turbo control
- New Oil System:
- Oil is consumed based on engine condition and power
- Oil can be transferred from the 56 gallon central oil tank to and from any engine (7 gal per min transfer rate)
- Oil dilution system where heated oil can be pumped through engines for cold starts (giving easier starting)
- Redesigned oil cooler flaps based on streamlined flaps, airspeed and outside air temperature (OAT)
- Loss of too much oil will result in oil pump sump running dry, creating sporadic loss of oil pressure as oil travels up and through engine
NOTE: Without the Accu-Sim add-on the user will be able to transfer oil and use the dilution system but no engine damage will occur if you run out of oil to an engine.
- New fuel distribution system
- Several bug fixes including:
- Fixed repeating startup sound on certain conditions
- Turbo rising temp after cold start fixed
- Eliminated the “We need to raise our idle” message from happening at odd times during startup
- Removed fuel pump sound in sound.cfg
- Fixed repeating low CAT warnings under certain conditions
- Maintenance hangar including:
- Engine inspection reports
- Mechanics notes
- Engine overhauls
NOTE: With the Accu-Sim add-on the user will see the reports and be able to take steps to correct the wear / damage if required. Wear / damage will be saved and be present each time the 377 is selected if repairs are not undertaken.
- Engine wear
- Cold weather starts
- Rare, unexpected failures
- Failing engines can be nursed to run longer
- Malfunctions can cause engines to sputter, cough, and vibrate gauges
- Improved carb icing / shared carb heat
- Applying high power with high carb air temps (CAT) can now cause detonation
- Over-torque can cause engine stress
- Fine tuned RAM air behavior
- Persistent aircraft, carries over from flight to flight:
- Users can now live with the same aircraft over hundreds of hours of flight
- Damage, wear, or even system quirks are all saved
- Natural randomization system creates fluid physics throughout the aircraft as well as naturally occurring events
- More sounds including engine fire warning alarm, APU sound and low oil warnings
- Added "Check Carb Air Temp" warning message to crew reports when one of the CAT's are not set correctly
- Engineer now reports a turbo failure as serious engine trouble
- Aircraft state is now saved with saved flights, including unique characteristics, damage, etc., so users can continue flying the same aircraft over long periods of time.
- Mouse wheel controls the attitude indicator calibration knob
- Autopilot makes coordinated turns
- Mixture affects engine fouling
- No Meals / Meals button for the controls panel. If No Meals is set, then meals will not be prepared. If a meal is being prepared or eating, and you set No Meals, then they will immediately move to the "cleaning up" stage.
- Tweaked yaw dampener
- Passengers and crew are slightly forgiving with turbulence and with seatbelts on
- Fixed turbo 1 cutoff switch from affecting other turbos
- Fixed engine selector for split throttles
- Fixed FE high airport altitude pressurization at flight start
- Navigator's radio altimeter odd wire fixed
- Only capture takeoff coords just before takeoff (not when starting in flight)
- Fixed bug where applause could happen without passengers
- No fuel flow when engines are off (FSX Bug)
- Fixed formatting error in crew reports that tied two messages together w/o a line return
- Fuel pressure warning lights modified to new system
- Added "weight on wheels" de-pressurization valve
- Captain's Log doesn't show "Will record after engines are shut down" when flight isn't being recorded
- Pilot's radio altimeter warning lights go off when the indicators are off
- Doors are FS default to avoid door open lights and doors losing synch
- VIP chances no longer affected when using fast load
- Configurator stores settings in my documents/a2a/fsx/377
- Axis config is loaded from my documents/a2a/fsx/377.
- Old path is also supported, so no user action is required after update. Configurator will automatically move the previous file to new location.
- Fixed doors not closing after unloading
- Fixed career mode going off when using fuel dump
- The altimeters can be calibrated below sea level
- Misc texture typos fixed
- VFE turbo bleeders managed under main panel and not pressurization section
- Fixed typo error causing EBP#1 to be too low at idle
- Small calculation errors in air distance resolved
- Any emergency triggers a cleanup if food is out
- VFE does not turn on cabin lights any more
- ADF signal strength indicator fixed / ADF Control switch turns off the RMI needles ADFs
- Trimmers tooltips read in degrees
- pixel_size= added to the Shift+1 panel for Matrox users
- Guppy unsupported features removed from the Guppy 2D Controls panel
- Heidi takes a bit more time to prepare drinks after seatbelt sign is turned off
- Pilot will not make routine annoucements (climb, cruise, descent) during emergencies
- Pressurization and passenger warnings not possible in crew reports for Guppy
- Cabin pressurization dump valve pressure release speed increased
- Drag system restored
- Turbo diff pressure should not occur when engines are off
- Cowl flap buffeting is increased
- Flaps can be set to 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and full
- Throttle smoothing code added
- Brighter ground track dashed line on the map
- Animated maximum allowable airspeed needle.
New Features in v.1.1
- Paddle to and from a dock or any shoreline with a functional oar.
- Make advanced water to land landings with Tundra tires. This allows for safer landings near shorelines and lakes. While the tundras are larger than regular tires, they are not floats, so if you get too slow over the water, they can pull you in and nose over. Be careful and respectful of the dangers of skipping over water. The wave physics are enabled, so you may get some bucking up and down at speed.
- Hand towing (CONTROLS PANEL). This allows you to slowly pull or push your aircraft after the engine has been shut off.
- New tie-down physics will hold aircraft steady. If you use the tie down on water, it will simulate a tie down near a dock. The plane will still rock back and forth in the watter, but it will behave as if it is roped down.
- Audible damage physics. This means if you push an engine, especially if cold, you will hear some slightly different sounds coming from the engine.
- Misc improvements and fixes to Heidi's intelligence.
- DAT files automatically get re-located to MY DOCUMENTS / A2A / FSX / J3CUB.
- Tuned (reduced) ground effect.
- Fixed a bug when sometimes hand starting was not possible based on previous flights.
- Sudden damage is relatively less likely when TBO time 1800 is chosen.
- Fixed bug where air starting required the prop movement speed to be slowed down to start.
- Gauge physics improvements and fixes.
Improved belly landing effects
Re-designed fuel system
Reduced high power prop smoke
Tuned drag when opening the canopy
Increased speed that gear will actually jam
Further tuned landing gear and flap drag based on recorded in-cockpit flights
Improved sound handling of larger files
Minor bump mapping changes
Failed hydraulic pump is now fixed when engine is overhauled
Oil pressure drop due to low oil changed from 10 gal to 4 gal
Fuel pressure no longer goes up with electric pump when fuel tanks are not selected
- Crankshaft wear and tear simulated
- Lowered hydraulic pump motor sound
- Fixed repeating oil dilution message
- Fixed turbo pressure wiring bug which mis-wired #1 turbo into other turbos
- Left and right magnetos inverted
- Removed extraneous cowl flap open / close sound on engine 1
- Oil dilution motor sound removed since it can only work with engines on and cannot be heard
- Engines 2-4 CHT / CAT calcs dependent on engine #1 running bug fixed (thanks GB)
- Cleaned up some code errors that might be the cause of some flap jams on the forum not being reported in the hangar
- Engine knock fps drop found and fixed
- Customers report engine detonation after shutdown fixed
- Oil leakage due to worn parts adjusted and crew may or may not discover it for some time
- Fixed issue with turbo limiters
- #4 engine oil dilution pump fixed
- Supermarine “Spitfire”
- P-40 “Warhawk”
- P-51 “Military” Mustang
- P-51 “Civilian” Mustang
Wheel pants have an effect on fuselage rumble and wind
Another feature that comes care of A2A's internal flight test program using the latest techniques and monitoring equipment.
- New dynamic soft terrain sounds added
- Manual park plug cleaning and battery charging in the maintenance hangar
- Further improvements to autopilot operation
- Hardware panels can increase AP ALT pre-selection by 100ft
- 2D panels. Radios: ADF frequency with fractional values
- Some pitch inertias moved from FSX to Accu-Sim
- Added battery/alternator switches logic (cannot turn alternator one without battery)
- Raised eye point
- Damage OFF removes spark plug fouling and carb icing (cherokee)
- Option for the cockpit builders which enables the cockpit sounds
- Autostart sets the aircraft to TAXI state
- Upper spark plugs are more resistant to fouling
- Slightly random cylinder condition with new airplane
- Added missing sound to GPS CRSR button
- FSX elevator trim bug that can cause an over-sensitive elevator with certain trim settings fixed
- GPS range in / out switch added
- Fixed typo on the radio stack
- Slightly changed window fogging behavior
- Lowered fuel booster electrical draw
- Fixed Nav2 inner knob
- Changed XPDR interrogator light behavior
- AFK bug fix (causing it to pause early in use)
- Engine oil color code re-worked, should be more reliable
- Fixed issue of too easy to over prime in warm weather
- Battery is charged for used or overhauled planes
- Storing GPS/NAV switch
- LinkVor=1 for LPV approaches
- Adjusted APR mode
- Fixed the odd AFK bug that caused it to pause shortly after turning on EMERGENCY (keep in mind, no items can be yellow in the maintenance hangar for AFK EMERGENCY mode to work)
-Automatically updates any previous version to the latest v.1.6
-This installer includes and supersedes all prior specific C172 Trainer updates (up to v.1.03).
- Corrected save file names for p3dv2
- Fixed brake pedal sound bug
- Exchanging air in the cabin evaporates more window fogging
- Fixed differential brakes in the Spitfire to be proportional to rudder deflection
- Air vent is now proper when using the mouse wheel (was reversed)
- Increased longitudinal stability and thrust pitch axis changes*
- A completely blown crank can seize an engine
- Mechanical fuel pump output is smoother as RPM rises
- Fixed oil temp gauge where it was not tied to the electronics
- DME in RMT mode is more reliable (but may give slightly different readout than in FREQ/GST).
- Improved LCD background quality. Tweaked LCD colors.
- Added turn coordinator and artificial horizon warning flags
- Added compass correction texture
- Input Configurator: Flaps axis control
- Walkaround camera fix
- Fixed Heidi's arms on passenger seats
- Fixed bug that was sometimes not allowing water to flow properly from tank -> strainer -> engine
- Very slight chance of water in fuel when re-fueling
- Mixture lever now makes a sound at the ends like the throttle
- Changed DME audio logic
- DME audio button is disabled in modes other than RMT, or with avionics configuration without DME receiver
- Headphones are a bit more effective
- Faster engine cut out when pulling the mixture
- Minor EGT modeling changes
- Storing the pitot cover state
- Restored default landing lights (offer illuminated lights as an option since this was the primary cause of missing VC clickspots)
- VC lights texture fix
- 2D panels. Walkaround: pitot tube cover (included in CONTROLS 2d panel)
- Generator is more robust
- 2D panels. Controls. "Battery" is bright when the cockpit is dark
- Engine heater cable automatically detaches when planes moves or is in the air
- Fixed plaque on left wall
- Fixed annunciator panel glitch
- Vacuum pumps will last longer (typo)
- Fixed safety pins on the main wheel
- Slight reduction in yaw dampening (matched flight tests)
- New Illumination DLL. This one supports custom lightmaps in livery folder
- Fixed door hinges
- Avionics direct entry compatible with FSUIPC
- Stabilized AP Glideslope tracking
- Adjusted the draw on some electrical items
- Checklists noted and removed
- Elevator trim axis blocked when autopilot is on
- Adjusted rudder and toe brake coordination behavior. Flight tested against Cessna 172R N3535H.
- Keyboard controls for ailerons, elevator, rudder
- Handling FSUIPC controls for flaps, starter, mixture and fuel selector
- Axis control for flaps
- Switched GNS530 to the first COM
- Changed RXP avionics suite. Com2 instead of Com1, removed Com1 added DME to GNS 430 option
- Autopilot uses altimeter #2
- Autopilot REV mode fixed
- Tuned vertical autopilot to reduce occasional oscillations
- Fixed audio selector panel
- Darker default GPS screens
- Massive plugs a little more resistant to fouling
- Few minor fixes on the textures
- Hypoxia moved 2k feet up (14.5k)
- Damaged vacuum pump now triggers "check engine"
- Slight CoG adjustments and Landing gear strut behavior changes (special thanks to Alex Metzger)
- More cockpit items and configurations saved with aircraft
- Fixed prop hub in VC view
- Reducing MP server flooding
- Fix to right door for SP2 users
- Fixed tooltip of left doors handle
- New landing lights beam logic
- Fixed altimeter pressure scale in hPa
- Faster Accu-Sim to FSX interface
- Maintenance hangar will give more detailed reports if fouled plugs are found
- pFactor and engine torque effect on airframe physics tuned (still in development)
- Smoother drag rumble with flaps (the sound represents a rumble felt in the seat)
- Ground thump volume reduced (taxiing over cracks and seams in the real C172 make very loud, audible thumps due to the main landing gear design. This is maintained and true in the simulator)
- Removed entry in panel.cfg that may have been contributing to missing VC clickspots and some loss of performance on some machines
- Thicker ADF needle
- Fixed text placement on the dash
- New light illumination dll for WinXP users
- Improved autopilot altitude control in low fps situations
- Reduced the number of axis events sent to the simulator
- We hope this fixes the elusive missing vc clickspots some are reporting.
- Increased modeling of pfactor. Should require moderate rudder on roll out, slight taps on takeoff run, slight pressure on a standard climb, increased pressure approaching a stall. Also reverse torque has been simulated. Try flying at a moderate speed, under 80kts ias, and cut the throttle. You should get a very slight roll to the right. The aircraft will always have a slight roll one way based on these power changes (watch how the ball moves). The only time the plane will fly neutral is during cruise operations (when the prop is neither pulling or pushing). The pfactor does pull more than it should while taxiing. This will be remedied in the next update.
- Specific testing and tuning of side forces in preparation for new bank indicator physics currently in development
- Fixed typo on the dash and RPM hour digits lightmap
- Slightly stronger thrust from the stalled prop
- Lowered the speed in which the drag sound from the flaps creeps in to match felt rumble in the C172R
- Fixed a bug that was causing issues from an abnormal AoA value happening when taxiing
- Should fix sticking toe brakes on all systems 100%
- Re-designed hydraulics
- Reduced the speed of outside canopy fogging up
- Aircraft can be jacked up
- "Check engine" in mechanic's notes will be persistent and not disappear after you have checked the engine
- Updated spitfire configurator so shortcut works
- Re-tuned side forces in flight model
- Added fuel line size differences for each aircraft
- Battery charging is a consumer
- Fixed bug that may have been responsible for unrepariable hydraulic leaks
- Made adjustments to the detonation. It is more sensitive to higher CAT
- Spitfire has mechanical gear locks
- Radiator lever control works and sounds better when mapped to an axis
- Added additional fuel system modeling. Fuel first has to drop from tanks, then the fuel pumps need to pump and pressurize the system
- Gear repairs on ground puts plane on jacks and repairs
- Coolant consumption bug fixed
- Autostart primes fuel
- Engine heat damage after shutdown fixed (this was another bug)
- Humidity goes to 0 when air is freezing
- Battery doesn't drain when switch is off (Spitfire battery is always ON)
- Hydraulic pump failure fixed
- Smoother landing gear animation
- Random prop start position
- Engine wind-down friction tuned (9 sec for merlin to stop after mixture cut)
- Can now start engine on primer alone
- Code supports broken reduction gear (may not implement until P-51)
- Busted crankshaft will seize engine
- Fixed bug when touchdown sounds are heard in air under very high G load
- Fixed the way the engine sucks fuel into cylinders.
- Oil friction tuned
- Detonation system re-calibrated
- High speed shake support added with scalars for each plane
- Fixed engine popping
- Gear physics added. Gear is affected by weight and air forces. Gear locks up and down.
- Hydraulic hand pumps (spitI gear handle is a hyd hand pump) now uses pressure physics
- Improved gear system damage modeling. Gear locks can break and gear can jam
- Improved flaps damage modeling.
- New engine oil and coolant algorithms representing internal mass inertia and coolant flow passing through a large engine. This means the engine can be quicker to heat up and slower to cool down.
- MkI flaps warning says 160 MPH instead of 140 MPH
- MkII cockpit: flaps warning says 160 IAS; maximum speeds converted to MPH
- New trigger for the MkI
- Aircraft.cfg atc_type=Supermarine
- Added additional physics to airframe vibrations. Vibrations are both more precise and dynamic
- Slightly lowered shake effect on our manifold pressure gauge
- Engine fire logic re-coded. Engine fires start based on high temps, eng cyinder condition, and engine oil system condition (representing oil outside of engine)
- Engine oil consumption increased. Can be as high as 4gph with a very worn engine (past TBO), not including leaks
- Brighter, weathered windshield screws to match existing worn cockpit
- RPM value that was feeding to FSX was reversed on the 2-speed prop. Accu-Sim was compensating for this, so changes should not be very noticeable, but working numbers are more consistent
- Engine remembers if it was running before exit
- Elevator and rudder trimwheels animation: 4 turns for full work range
- Fuel tanks on spit upgraded to new standard, should scale accurately with pitch changes
- Fixed gear collapsing bug
- Radiator flap positions changed to: 1. Closed/guns warming, 2. Normal flight, 3. 1/4 open, 4. 2/4 open, 5. 3/4 open. 6. Fully open
- New, less bluish glass
- Fuel gauges tooltips don't read any value when buttons are not pressed
- Runway thumps
- Removed A2A_Spit.dll
- Fixed error with low RPM combustion firing
- New physical fuel pressure physics. You can see this at very low RPM (when engine is cranking or winding down)
- New supercharger code module (supports multiple stages, draw, efficiency, and efficiency changes with different air pressures). Simply allows Accu-Sim to better simulate supercharged performance in all air conditions
- Removed files from aircraft panel folder that were moved to central folder
- Excessive bearing wear on startup and shutdown fixed
- Adjusted fuel delivery impact on engine combustion
- Smoother prop sounds for startup and shutdown when canopy is opened
- New "plastic" seat for the MkII
- Coolant overtemp relief valve blows roughly 1/10 gal per min
- Some texture and bump improvements
- Come copper internal components replaced with brass
- Removed default fuel pump sounds from spitfire sound.cfg's
- Landing flaps animation should be visible in MP
- Possible fix for the trolley and wheel chocks MP visibility issue.
- Disabled and renamed cartridge starter visual effect due to multiplayer error
- Electrical prop system added (P-40 Curtiss Electric prop)
- Electric prop does not draw electricity when at the stops
- Added drag system to P-40
- Fixed an issue with the wobble pump and fuel pressure
- Electrical voltage outputs set for each aircraft
- Initial P-51 cockpit sounds added (P-51)
- Fuel sloshing physics
- RPMGaugeSwayPhysics customizable for each aircraft
- Completed hydraulic system including actuator support for drooping gear doors in P-51
- New ground bump physics added
- RAM air and Carb heat systems implemented
- Engine piston suction bug fixed
- Oil dilution support added
- Inertia starter support (P-40)
- Manifold Pressure Regulator support (P-51)
- Oil cooler flaps (P-51)
- Automatic coolant and oil cooling systems (P-51)
- Electric fuel primer support (P-51)
- Hydraulic and Pneumatic brakes, flaps, and gear system support
- Initial turbo-jet engine physics modeling and sound module added (F-104)
- Manual wobble pump support (P-40)
- My download speeds are slow?
- My flight sim computer is offline. How do I get the updates?
- Plug a USB drive into your offline flight simulator
- On the USB drive, create a new folder called “FSX_Update"
- Find the folder that FSX is installed and copy the following files to the "FSX Update" folder on your USB drive:
- A2A folder with all contents
- SimObjects \ Airplanes \ [any A2A aircraft] folders with all contents
- Create a Gauges folder and just copy the A2A_Accusim.dll to this folder
- P-47 owners ONLY:
- Gauges [add any files or folders starting with "WoP3_P47...]
4. Once completed, you should see four objects: A2A, SimObjects, and fsx.exe (P-47 owners will have a GAUGES folder too
5. Plug the USB drive into the online computer, then download and run the "A2A Update" then BROWSE for "FSX_Update" folder
6. Once completed, plug the USB drive into the offline flight simulator computer
7. Copy / paste the contents to your FSX installed directory, overwriting what is there
PRIOR UPDATES included in 5/1/2016
5/1/2016 - 5/9/2016 CHANGES:
- Warbirds:
- T-6 updates
- Adjusted hydraulic level capacity (was causing hydraulics to not work when only under 50%)
- Brakes tuned
- Static height raised to avoid crashing when porting to an airport from the air
- Fixed Heidis' uv mapping
- Restored support for older Windows XP versions
- Oil clean kit goes off above 3 kts
- Fixed NAV/GPS switch
- Fixed hierarchy in the MDLs
- Some optimization
- Not retractable tail wheel
- Autostart disabled when on the jacks
- Fixed blinking animation
- Fixed rudder pedals brake animation
- Pilot's Notes: Added "Check for RPM drop" with carb heat test
- Startup smoke
4/16/2016 - 5/1/2016 CHANGES:
- P-51 CIV:
Heading selector fixed
Kollsman window dial with UV light fixed
Magnetos operated by left and right mouse button (and the wheel)
Smoother prop animation
- P-51 MIL:
- Smoother prop animation
- Typo corrected
- Prop wind forces re-calibrated
4/7/2016 - 4/16/2016 CHANGES:
- P-40
- C182:
- Animated yoke with autopilot in GPS NAV mode
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- C172:
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- Cherokee:
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- Comanche:
- Commented out recommended areas of the panel.cfg files
- Strobe lights in P3D v3 fixed
- Small window steam fixed
- Reexport of P3D2 cockpits
- ADF needle physics
- Reduced speed mod drag reduction
- P3D v3 configurator fix
- P-51 CIV:
- IDENT 100 panel window can't be undocked
- type=special
- Aircraft Configurator
- Smooth ADF/VOR needle
- Custom side forces
- Lowered gear and flap drag
- P-51 MIL
- type=special
- Smooth ADF/VOR needle
- Custom side forces
- Typo in electrics (noticeable when loading rockets)
- Lowered gear and flap drag
- Spitfire
- 3/30/2016 - 4/7/2016 CHANGES:
- 3/29/2016 - 3/30/2016 CHANGES:
- 3/27/2016 - 3/29/2016 CHANGES:
- Initial fix for engine quitting bug affecting some FSUIPC users (placed a filter to ignore corrupt data from mixture lever axis for some FSUIPC users)
- Fixed trim bug
- Added aerial antenna
- Static height adjusted for aircraft load
- UV mapping adjustments on Heidi
- Added input configurator support for older Windows XP versions
- Input configurator shortcut fixes for P3D V.2.5
- 10/05/2016 - 3/27/2016 CHANGES:
WARBIRDS (Spitfire, P-51's, P-40):
New vibration and engine torque physics systems
New air and fuel delivery systems
Additional landing gear system feedback
Engine state is active / persistent between flights
Updated generator / alternator systems
Updated wind over airframe sound physics
Supercharger condition has additional effects on boost
Worn brakes tuned (pulling)
Fixed minor vertical speed indicator bug
CAT gauges don't require electricity
- 09/15/2015 - 10/05/2015 CHANGES:
- 06/28/2015 - 09/15/2015 CHANGES:
- Accu-Sim "Enhanced Induced Drag" update:
- Enhanced impact of weight on flight dynamics
- Fluid response
- The full approach to flare transition has more feedback to the pilot
- Taking off full gross is more convincing, as the wings push more into the wind with the added weight
- Enhanced ground thumps (simulating bumps passing from front to rear wheels)
- Comanche:
- ADF smoothing improved
- New avionics timers code
- Lowered landing gear rumble sound
- Cherokee 180:
- Removed fuel return line
- Auto Start brings the pilot in
- 2D Walkaround: Stall warning vane
- 2D Walkaround: Possibility of engaging wheel chocks
- Small fix in parking brake code
- Corrected visibilities of the panel caps for the Mindstar GPS units
- Increased the landing light brightness
- Control lock fixed
- Airspeed indicator: Vne red radial at 181 MPH
- Autopilot controls for the hidden yoke mode
- Constant speed trim shortcut
- Smooth ADF and improved avionics timers
- Minor fixes to the wingtips and leading edge of the wings
- C172 Trainer:
- Com1/Nav1 force on with 3rd party GPS
- Smooth ADF and improved avionics timers
- Davtron clock bugfix
- C182 Skylane:
- 2D Walkaround: Stall warning vane
- 2D Walkaround: Tie downs and wheel trigger parking brake on
- Small fix in parking brake code and initialization
- RXP GNS fixes
- Fixed bug in flap actuator
- Control lock fixed
- Cold & Dark engages the controls lock
- Smooth ADF and improved avionics timers
- Davtron clock bugfix
- 06/27/2015 - 06/28/2015 CHANGES:
06/19/2015 - 06/27/2015 CHANGES:
- GA
- Increased generator voltage output
- Comanche
- Mindstar GNS 530 fix
- Fixed COM1 fail with 3rd party GPS.
- 2D Panel, Radios: The panel adjusted for 3-rd party GPS units
- HSI hading selector/gyro drift knob: left click toggles the modes
- Aircraft Configurator: Improved sim recognition logic
- Cig. lighter
- Input Configurator: Landing lights shortcuts
- Added gear rumble
- Restarting the radios when switching GPS, fixes invalid fail state
- The states of the radios are remembered when switching from GPS to NO GPS and vice versa
- Constant speed trim shortcut
- C172 Trainer
- Re-calibrated elevator / trim controller response
- The Auto Start brings the pilot in
- Small fix in parking brake code
- Corrected frequency files location
- Corrected RXPGNS.ini
- Controls lock fixed
- Better sim recognition logic
- 2D Walkaround: Possibility of engaging individual wheel chocks
04/20/2015 - 06/19/2015 CHANGES:
- GA:
- Adjusted manifold pressure physics based on recent Comanche flight tests
- Tuned throttle valves – slightly less efficient with partial throttle
- Starter amps adjusted (should be lower than before)
- Maintenance hangar will warn a bit earlier about aging oil, air, and fuel filters
- Improved engine behavior when leaning. Carbureted engines will be rougher earlier than fuel injected due to less precise mixture distribution. A fuel injected engine has more uniform air/fuel distribution, and will be able to lean more, squeezing out a bit more economy.
- Air temp affects relative fuel mixture, meaning warmer days may require the mixture to be pulled out a bit more. This also is affected when using carb heat, as the mixture will become richer with the hotter air. You may have to lean the mixture to restore best mixture power and / or economy
- More combustion contaminants blow by cylinder rings and end up in oil, making it turn black quicker especially with worn cylinders
- Brakes should hold better at static full power, but as in real life, will still be difficult to hold in position
- Lower wind volume when stopped on ground with high winds
- Small engine friction bug fixed
- More reliable auto start (CTRL-E)
- Cherokee:
- Cherokee airspeed error corrected
- Ground bump sounds louder
- P-51's
04/15/2015 - 04/20/2015 CHANGES:
- Fixed RXP GNS530 clickspot issue for FSX C172 Trainer and Cherokee 180
01/26/2015 - 04/15/2015 CHANGES:
- GA General (172, 182, Cherokee):
- Prop side loading physics
- Aircraft Configurators now have radio buttons with check marks
- Clipboards include fuel flow accurate to 1/10th gallon
- Corrected RXP configuration files where necessary
- C172 Trainer
- New autopilot code from Skylane development, including moving yoke
- Added the support for Flight1 and Mindstar avionics
- New Aircraft Configurator for easy management of optional avionics and landing lights
- Improved the radiostack lightmap brightness
- Bugs and fixes:
- Slight trim adjustments syncing to most recent test flights
- Larger oil cooler capacity
- Fixed DME storing location
- C182 Skylane
- Dual 3rd party GPS setups
- Autopilot support default FSX shortcut for engagement
- Actual propeller visible in the Paload & Fuel Manager
- A custom GPS can be set to NO GPS (2D panels: Controls)
- KX-155A: holding MDOE for 2 seconds resets OBS to the current radial
- Bugs and fixes:
- Restored trim tab repositioning to up when neutral in the cockpit
- Elevator trim damage bug fixed
- 3d Model: Added missing text to the audio panel
- Restored HSI gyro drift in free mode
- Corrected DME Freq save location
- Fixed flooding flag in Engine Details
- Cherokee 180
- New Aircraft Configurator for easy management of optional avionics and landing lights
- Added the support for Flight1 and Mindstar avionics
- Bugs and fixes:
- Larger oil cooler capacity
- Corrected DME Freq save location
11/20/2014 - 01/26/2015 CHANGES:
- Recent
- 182 Autopilot fixed
- Cherokee turn coordinator and comms transfer switch fixed
- Enhanced departed flight system (stall), for better feedback when flying on the edge (Spitfire and P-51's).
- B-17 "Flying Fortress"
- Cleaned up some code
- 377 "Captain of the Ship"
- Pregnant Guppy backup attitude indicator fixed
- Cleaned up some code
- Guppy altimeter fixed
- C172 "Trainer"
- Improved fuel selector sounds
- Sun visor sounds
- Improved radio button sounds
- Changed the angle of taxi light
- Added the option to remove the external model shakes with code (for cockpit builders)
- 2D panels. Walkaround. Pitot temperature check icon gray out when pitot cover is on
- Static air lever sound
- Electrical charge sound
- Slightly tuned aileron effectiveness at very slow speed
- Added the grill to the loudspeaker on the ceiling
- Fixes:
- Fixed default landing lights
- Elevator lift won't happen if the elevator UP actuator is broken
- Prop strike code corrected to avoid prop strike when repositioning to a new airport
- Low fuel triggers AFK emergency pause.
- Added mechanical fuel pump condition to engine accessories condition and "inspect engine"
- Fixed animation of the right door handle in external view
- Fixed altimeter texture
- Added missing text to the audio panel
- "Cherokee" 180
- Altimeter and VSI gauges changed from Cessna-like to Cherokee-like
- Low fuel triggers AFK emergency pause
- Avionics. Audio Panel:
- AUTO feature when engaged: selected transmitter will be matched automatically with receiver.
- Fixes:
- Added mechanical fuel pump condition to engine accessories condition and "inspect engine"
- Prop strike code corrected to avoid prop strike after re-positioning to a new airport
- Autopilot turn knob tooltip shows values.
- C182 "Skylane"
- P-47 "Razorback"
- Increased sound distance volume
- Improved internal engine pressure behaviors allowing the aircraft to perform better at very high altitudes.
- Increased the turbo's resistance to high temperatures.
- Fixed fuel consumption estimations and updated clipboard with our latest standard of info
- Spitfire MkI/II
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes.
- Fixed Spitfire slow running cutout switch (stops quicker)
- Benefits from the core Accu-Sim "Heavy metal" update
- P-40 "Warhawk"
- Updated propeller sounds
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes.
- P-51 "Military"
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes
- Prop and supercharger efficiencies updated
- P-51 "Civilian"
While the prop sounds are enhanced accross the board, it is most audible when the propeller rapidly cuts into the air during run ups and rapid power changes.
- GPS. Missing bitmaps removed.
- Avionics switch goes on/off if engine is on/off.
- Prop and supercharger efficiencies updated
- AFK: Unpause resets the counters
- AFK: Low fuel triggers afk emergency pause
11/14/2014 - 11/20/2014 CHANGES
- Overview:
- C182 Skylane:
- Load Manager: Baggage compartments now in three sections (Baggage A, B, and C)
- Aircraft Configurator tool v1.1: Individual 3rd party GPS options
- 2d panels. Controls: "Experimental" label is now optional
- Set aircraft trim position exactly to our test aircraft
- Added detail and shadowing to leather trim in the cockpit
- Tow speed increased
- Bug Fixes:
- Capped small hole on the top of the dash
- Fixed inHg gauge/tooltip innacuracies
- Fix for radio not working with 3rd party GPS
- Fixed fuel selector shortcuts
- Corrected cowl flaps shortcut
- Fixed tow text
- Fixed rudder trim blocked when AP on
- Removed experimental aircraft rigging code
- Maintenance Hangar: Changed the name "Flaps seals" to "Flap gap seals"
09/28/2014 - 11/14/2014 CHANGES
- GA:
- Slight independent tuning of rudder effectiveness at very low speeds
- Airspeed indicator AoA errors added which means airspeed will indicate lower speeds when very slow
- Made the initial battery draw cumulative and not a minimum value (was masking some single state electric items)
- Re-coded battery code, which increases battery life but lowers charge rates
- Fuel injected primer more sensitive to cold (will need more primer for very cold starts)
- Engine sounds reverberate off terrain (should notice sound drops off appropriately as you lift off)
- New propeller physics increases propeller load with lateral speeds (slips)
- Re-coded fouling in an effort to help some who are experiencing difficult engine starts
09/26/2014 - 09/28/2014 CHANGES
- Fixes a bug in the C172 prop animation
09/26/2014 CHANGES
- Cherokee:
- New climb gauge physics (slower and matched to real plane)
- Added GPSMAP to external model when selected
- ADF card "12" typo corrected
- Corrected autopilot initialization lights sequence
- Removed unwanted remnants from the radios texture
- Added model.ini for aicraft customizations
- "Generator field breaker" typo corrected
- Tuned the neutral trim a bit for neutral glide tests
- 2D. Maint. hangar: sponsors popups clickspots fixed.
- Fixed propeller issue in multiplayer
- Corrected mouse wheel toggle events on various switches and levers.
- Fixed bug that caused 4% more nose down attitude with full flaps
- C172 & Cherokee:
- More linear braking meaning more sensitivity when partially applying the brakes
- Bug where if the plane was left for more than 72 hours, cylinder conditions could be altered
- Warbirds:
- Primer lasts longer
- New cylinder firing and plug fouling logic. Engine won't stall after landing unless you pull the throttle full back and allow the plugs to "load up." After starting, you may notice it takes a 1/2 minute for the engine to run smoothly. This is expected and normal behavior.
- Spitfire:
07/15/2014 CHANGES
- C172 Trainer:
- Added and tuned the effects of various flap positions on pitch
- Repaints configuration system
- Fixed autopilot alt joystick shortcut
- Adjusted aircraft attitude and struts on ground
- Restored elevator trim axis when autopilot is on
- Throttle response quicker (was too slow across the board)
- Slightly increased side forces to match new slip tests
- Fuel return line limited to the capacity of a tank
- Disabling C172 elevator trim asssigned through Input Configurator when autopilot is on
B377 Stratocruiser
(Service Pack 1 released 11/07/2008)
- Early BOAC model- Highly realistic textures with the latest A2A texturing techniques
NOTE: Without the Accu-Sim add-on the user will see the reports but they will have no effect on the aircraft. Selecting the 377 will give you a brand new aircraft with no wear or damage each time.
- Animated air stairs (will appear when the aircraft is on the ground and the passenger door is opened)
- ADI, Oil levels, and CO2 can be refilled from the Realtime Load Manager
- Improved takeoff warning when flaps are not correctly set to require engines to be running AND to have BOTH engines 1-2 and 3-4 over 75% power
- Improved navigators map features and functions
- New autopilot with more tuned and natural handle / bank behavior
- New control mapping tool to allow mapping autopilot handle and turbo lever to any controller axis
- Mixture levers can be controlled via default mixture lever assignments
- Autopilot pitch can be mapped to keys
- New radio 2D panel (for those who want the most simple radio control)
- 2D Controls panel can now 'gang' engines together for ease of use, for example, operate all cowl flaps with one button while outside the aircraft
- Improved auto turbo control
- New Oil System:
- Oil is consumed based on engine condition and power
- Oil can be transferred from the 56 gallon central oil tank to and from any engine (7 gal per min transfer rate)
- Oil dilution system where heated oil can be pumped through engines for cold starts (giving easier starting)
- Redesigned oil cooler flaps based on streamlined flaps, airspeed and outside air temperature (OAT)
- Loss of too much oil will result in oil pump sump running dry, creating sporadic loss of oil pressure as oil travels up and through engine
NOTE: Without the Accu-Sim add-on the user will be able to transfer oil and use the dilution system but no engine damage will occur if you run out of oil to an engine.
- New fuel distribution system
- Several bug fixes including:
- Fixed repeating startup sound on certain conditions
- Turbo rising temp after cold start fixed
- Eliminated the “We need to raise our idle” message from happening at odd times during startup
- Removed fuel pump sound in sound.cfg
- Fixed repeating low CAT warnings under certain conditions
- Maintenance hangar including:
- Engine inspection reports
- Mechanics notes
- Engine overhauls
NOTE: With the Accu-Sim add-on the user will see the reports and be able to take steps to correct the wear / damage if required. Wear / damage will be saved and be present each time the 377 is selected if repairs are not undertaken.
- Engine wear
- Cold weather starts
- Rare, unexpected failures
- Failing engines can be nursed to run longer
- Malfunctions can cause engines to sputter, cough, and vibrate gauges
- Improved carb icing / shared carb heat
- Applying high power with high carb air temps (CAT) can now cause detonation
- Over-torque can cause engine stress
- Fine tuned RAM air behavior
- Persistent aircraft, carries over from flight to flight:
- Users can now live with the same aircraft over hundreds of hours of flight
- Damage, wear, or even system quirks are all saved
- Natural randomization system creates fluid physics throughout the aircraft as well as naturally occurring events
- More sounds including engine fire warning alarm, APU sound and low oil warnings
- Added "Check Carb Air Temp" warning message to crew reports when one of the CAT's are not set correctly
- Engineer now reports a turbo failure as serious engine trouble
- Aircraft state is now saved with saved flights, including unique characteristics, damage, etc., so users can continue flying the same aircraft over long periods of time.
- Captain of the Ship
- Enhancements:
- Mouse wheel controls the attitude indicator calibration knob
- Autopilot makes coordinated turns
- Mixture affects engine fouling
- No Meals / Meals button for the controls panel. If No Meals is set, then meals will not be prepared. If a meal is being prepared or eating, and you set No Meals, then they will immediately move to the "cleaning up" stage.
- Tweaked yaw dampener
- Passengers and crew are slightly forgiving with turbulence and with seatbelts on
- Fixes / updates:
- Fixed turbo 1 cutoff switch from affecting other turbos
- Fixed engine selector for split throttles
- Fixed FE high airport altitude pressurization at flight start
- Navigator's radio altimeter odd wire fixed
- Only capture takeoff coords just before takeoff (not when starting in flight)
- Fixed bug where applause could happen without passengers
- No fuel flow when engines are off (FSX Bug)
- Fixed formatting error in crew reports that tied two messages together w/o a line return
- Fuel pressure warning lights modified to new system
- Added "weight on wheels" de-pressurization valve
- Captain's Log doesn't show "Will record after engines are shut down" when flight isn't being recorded
- Pilot's radio altimeter warning lights go off when the indicators are off
- Doors are FS default to avoid door open lights and doors losing synch
- VIP chances no longer affected when using fast load
- Configurator stores settings in my documents/a2a/fsx/377
- Axis config is loaded from my documents/a2a/fsx/377.
- Old path is also supported, so no user action is required after update. Configurator will automatically move the previous file to new location.
- Fixed doors not closing after unloading
- Fixed career mode going off when using fuel dump
- The altimeters can be calibrated below sea level
- Misc texture typos fixed
- VFE turbo bleeders managed under main panel and not pressurization section
- Fixed typo error causing EBP#1 to be too low at idle
- Small calculation errors in air distance resolved
- Any emergency triggers a cleanup if food is out
- VFE does not turn on cabin lights any more
- ADF signal strength indicator fixed / ADF Control switch turns off the RMI needles ADFs
- Trimmers tooltips read in degrees
- pixel_size= added to the Shift+1 panel for Matrox users
- Guppy unsupported features removed from the Guppy 2D Controls panel
- Heidi takes a bit more time to prepare drinks after seatbelt sign is turned off
- Pilot will not make routine annoucements (climb, cruise, descent) during emergencies
- Pressurization and passenger warnings not possible in crew reports for Guppy
- Cabin pressurization dump valve pressure release speed increased
- Drag system restored
- Turbo diff pressure should not occur when engines are off
- Cowl flap buffeting is increased
- Flaps can be set to 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and full
- Throttle smoothing code added
- Brighter ground track dashed line on the map
- Animated maximum allowable airspeed needle.
- Piper J3 Cub
New Features in v.1.1
- Paddle to and from a dock or any shoreline with a functional oar.
- Make advanced water to land landings with Tundra tires. This allows for safer landings near shorelines and lakes. While the tundras are larger than regular tires, they are not floats, so if you get too slow over the water, they can pull you in and nose over. Be careful and respectful of the dangers of skipping over water. The wave physics are enabled, so you may get some bucking up and down at speed.
- Hand towing (CONTROLS PANEL). This allows you to slowly pull or push your aircraft after the engine has been shut off.
- New tie-down physics will hold aircraft steady. If you use the tie down on water, it will simulate a tie down near a dock. The plane will still rock back and forth in the watter, but it will behave as if it is roped down.
- Audible damage physics. This means if you push an engine, especially if cold, you will hear some slightly different sounds coming from the engine.
- Misc improvements and fixes to Heidi's intelligence.
- DAT files automatically get re-located to MY DOCUMENTS / A2A / FSX / J3CUB.
- Tuned (reduced) ground effect.
- Fixed a bug when sometimes hand starting was not possible based on previous flights.
- Sudden damage is relatively less likely when TBO time 1800 is chosen.
- Fixed bug where air starting required the prop movement speed to be slowed down to start.
- Gauge physics improvements and fixes.
- P47 "Razorback"
Improved belly landing effects
Re-designed fuel system
Reduced high power prop smoke
Tuned drag when opening the canopy
Increased speed that gear will actually jam
Further tuned landing gear and flap drag based on recorded in-cockpit flights
Improved sound handling of larger files
Minor bump mapping changes
Failed hydraulic pump is now fixed when engine is overhauled
Oil pressure drop due to low oil changed from 10 gal to 4 gal
Fuel pressure no longer goes up with electric pump when fuel tanks are not selected
- B17 "Flying Fortress"
- Changes v.1.2 to v.1.21:
- Crankshaft wear and tear simulated
- Changes v.1.1 to v.1.2:
- Lowered hydraulic pump motor sound
- Fixed repeating oil dilution message
- Fixed turbo pressure wiring bug which mis-wired #1 turbo into other turbos
- Left and right magnetos inverted
- Changes v.1.0 to v.1.1:
- Removed extraneous cowl flap open / close sound on engine 1
- Oil dilution motor sound removed since it can only work with engines on and cannot be heard
- Engines 2-4 CHT / CAT calcs dependent on engine #1 running bug fixed (thanks GB)
- Cleaned up some code errors that might be the cause of some flap jams on the forum not being reported in the hangar
- Engine knock fps drop found and fixed
- Customers report engine detonation after shutdown fixed
- Oil leakage due to worn parts adjusted and crew may or may not discover it for some time
- Fixed issue with turbo limiters
- #4 engine oil dilution pump fixed
- Accu-Sim Core v.2.0
- Aircraft Included:
- Supermarine “Spitfire”
- P-40 “Warhawk”
- P-51 “Military” Mustang
- P-51 “Civilian” Mustang
- Air vortex physics modeling
- Thrust immediately affects pitch
- pFactor and torque modeling system tuning complete
Wheel pants have an effect on fuselage rumble and wind
Another feature that comes care of A2A's internal flight test program using the latest techniques and monitoring equipment.
- Fuel flooding
- Engine harmonics and vibrations
- Advanced engine gas temperature (EGT) modeling
- Direct Taxi
- New dynamic soft terrain sounds added
- Manual park plug cleaning and battery charging in the maintenance hangar
- Further improvements to autopilot operation
- Hardware panels can increase AP ALT pre-selection by 100ft
- 2D panels. Radios: ADF frequency with fractional values
- Some pitch inertias moved from FSX to Accu-Sim
- Added battery/alternator switches logic (cannot turn alternator one without battery)
- Raised eye point
- Damage OFF removes spark plug fouling and carb icing (cherokee)
- Option for the cockpit builders which enables the cockpit sounds
- Autostart sets the aircraft to TAXI state
- Upper spark plugs are more resistant to fouling
- Slightly random cylinder condition with new airplane
- Added missing sound to GPS CRSR button
- FSX elevator trim bug that can cause an over-sensitive elevator with certain trim settings fixed
- GPS range in / out switch added
- Fixed typo on the radio stack
- Slightly changed window fogging behavior
- Lowered fuel booster electrical draw
- Fixed Nav2 inner knob
- Changed XPDR interrogator light behavior
- AFK bug fix (causing it to pause early in use)
- Engine oil color code re-worked, should be more reliable
- Fixed issue of too easy to over prime in warm weather
- Battery is charged for used or overhauled planes
- Storing GPS/NAV switch
- LinkVor=1 for LPV approaches
- Adjusted APR mode
- All Core Aircraft
- Fixed the odd AFK bug that caused it to pause shortly after turning on EMERGENCY (keep in mind, no items can be yellow in the maintenance hangar for AFK EMERGENCY mode to work)
-Automatically updates any previous version to the latest v.1.6
-This installer includes and supersedes all prior specific C172 Trainer updates (up to v.1.03).
- 3rd Party Paints:
CHANGES from v.1.5.2 to v.1.6
- General:
- Corrected save file names for p3dv2
- Fixed brake pedal sound bug
- Exchanging air in the cabin evaporates more window fogging
- Spitfire:
- Fixed differential brakes in the Spitfire to be proportional to rudder deflection
- P-40:
- P-51 Civilian:
- Air vent is now proper when using the mouse wheel (was reversed)
- Increased longitudinal stability and thrust pitch axis changes*
- P-51 Military:
- C172 Trainer:
- A completely blown crank can seize an engine
- Mechanical fuel pump output is smoother as RPM rises
- Fixed oil temp gauge where it was not tied to the electronics
- DME in RMT mode is more reliable (but may give slightly different readout than in FREQ/GST).
- Improved LCD background quality. Tweaked LCD colors.
- Added turn coordinator and artificial horizon warning flags
- Added compass correction texture
- Input Configurator: Flaps axis control
- Walkaround camera fix
- Fixed Heidi's arms on passenger seats
- Fixed bug that was sometimes not allowing water to flow properly from tank -> strainer -> engine
- Very slight chance of water in fuel when re-fueling
- Mixture lever now makes a sound at the ends like the throttle
- Changed DME audio logic
- DME audio button is disabled in modes other than RMT, or with avionics configuration without DME receiver
- Headphones are a bit more effective
- Faster engine cut out when pulling the mixture
- Minor EGT modeling changes
- Storing the pitot cover state
- Restored default landing lights (offer illuminated lights as an option since this was the primary cause of missing VC clickspots)
- VC lights texture fix
- 2D panels. Walkaround: pitot tube cover (included in CONTROLS 2d panel)
- Generator is more robust
- 2D panels. Controls. "Battery" is bright when the cockpit is dark
- Engine heater cable automatically detaches when planes moves or is in the air
- Fixed plaque on left wall
- Fixed annunciator panel glitch
- Vacuum pumps will last longer (typo)
- Fixed safety pins on the main wheel
- Slight reduction in yaw dampening (matched flight tests)
- New Illumination DLL. This one supports custom lightmaps in livery folder
- Fixed door hinges
- Avionics direct entry compatible with FSUIPC
- Stabilized AP Glideslope tracking
- Adjusted the draw on some electrical items
- Checklists noted and removed
- Elevator trim axis blocked when autopilot is on
Prior C172 Trainer Individual Updates (up to v.1.03) Included
Below is a changelog of the prior C172 Trainer updates included in this installer:- Fixes / Improvements
- Adjusted rudder and toe brake coordination behavior. Flight tested against Cessna 172R N3535H.
- New Features
- Simulated Elevator Force Slider
During development and through the heavy flight testing of the Cessna 172R, we started to identify differences between the actual yoke movements in the aircraft and how flight simmers interpret their own controller movements. Now with the masses weighing in, we've narrowed this down to two distinctly different camps defined as "Pressure flyers" and "Deflection flyers." Pressure flyers respond to stick spring pressure, while deflection flyers respond to stick deflection and this interpretation happens somewhere between the hand and the brain. My own personal experience on this is, I used to be a pressure flyer, but with the steady activity flying different aircraft types I've slowly become a deflection flyer. However, we've seen even active pilots that fly flight simulation, fall into either of these camps and anywhere in between. Here at A2A, we've always said "we believe in options." We always want the customer to be king in determining what is right for them and this is largely what this update has been about - our responding to customer needs and wishes. We think / hope we created a bridge for both camps and everyone in between, below.
There is a new slider in the lower left corner of the CONTROLS menu (SHIFT-3) called the "Simulated elevator force" slider (will be labelled later) which the user can adjust the elevator sensitivity based on the simulated forces on the yoke. A value of 0 is the current setup for deflection flyers, and pressure flyers can move the scalar up to fit their needs. This would give full elevator authority at slower speeds, yet allow those who find it too sensitive on their controllers to adjust to their personal preferences.
- New Accu-Sim Torque and P-factor Physics
We removed all FSX torque and p-factor and replaced it with new physics in Accu-Sim. This is an all-new system and is still in progress, but so far what we see is a significant improvement over what we've seen in FSX.
- Created elevator ground effect and additional physics
Accu-Sim models the forces of air over the elevator, allowing for fine control during landing flare and soft field operations. Try pulling the elevator back prior to your takeoff run and feel how the nose comes up earlier in your takeoff run.
- Brake axis and taxiing
Some have reported being "stuck" on the ground while taxiing on different surfaces. Our research and testing has determined that there isn't a single source to this, but several. One has been some controllers not fully releasing the brakes. Another is how FSX manages differential braking. We took Cessna 172R "35 Hotel" up twice since in recent days to dig deeper into this area, installing three cameras with one fixed on the rudder pedals. We then adjusted how the controllers interpret FSX and tuned accordingly.
Additional detailed change log
- Controllers
- Keyboard controls for ailerons, elevator, rudder
- Handling FSUIPC controls for flaps, starter, mixture and fuel selector
- Axis control for flaps
- Avionics
- Switched GNS530 to the first COM
- Changed RXP avionics suite. Com2 instead of Com1, removed Com1 added DME to GNS 430 option
- Autopilot uses altimeter #2
- Autopilot REV mode fixed
- Tuned vertical autopilot to reduce occasional oscillations
- Fixed audio selector panel
- Darker default GPS screens
- Misc
- Massive plugs a little more resistant to fouling
- Few minor fixes on the textures
- Hypoxia moved 2k feet up (14.5k)
- Damaged vacuum pump now triggers "check engine"
- Slight CoG adjustments and Landing gear strut behavior changes (special thanks to Alex Metzger)
- More cockpit items and configurations saved with aircraft
- Fixed prop hub in VC view
- Reducing MP server flooding
- Fix to right door for SP2 users
- Fixed tooltip of left doors handle
- New landing lights beam logic
- Fixed altimeter pressure scale in hPa
- Faster Accu-Sim to FSX interface
- Maintenance hangar will give more detailed reports if fouled plugs are found
- pFactor and engine torque effect on airframe physics tuned (still in development)
- Smoother drag rumble with flaps (the sound represents a rumble felt in the seat)
- Ground thump volume reduced (taxiing over cracks and seams in the real C172 make very loud, audible thumps due to the main landing gear design. This is maintained and true in the simulator)
- Removed entry in panel.cfg that may have been contributing to missing VC clickspots and some loss of performance on some machines
- Thicker ADF needle
- Fixed text placement on the dash
- New light illumination dll for WinXP users
- Improved autopilot altitude control in low fps situations
- Reduced the number of axis events sent to the simulator
- We hope this fixes the elusive missing vc clickspots some are reporting.
- Increased modeling of pfactor. Should require moderate rudder on roll out, slight taps on takeoff run, slight pressure on a standard climb, increased pressure approaching a stall. Also reverse torque has been simulated. Try flying at a moderate speed, under 80kts ias, and cut the throttle. You should get a very slight roll to the right. The aircraft will always have a slight roll one way based on these power changes (watch how the ball moves). The only time the plane will fly neutral is during cruise operations (when the prop is neither pulling or pushing). The pfactor does pull more than it should while taxiing. This will be remedied in the next update.
- Specific testing and tuning of side forces in preparation for new bank indicator physics currently in development
- Fixed typo on the dash and RPM hour digits lightmap
- Slightly stronger thrust from the stalled prop
- Lowered the speed in which the drag sound from the flaps creeps in to match felt rumble in the C172R
- Fixed a bug that was causing issues from an abnormal AoA value happening when taxiing
- Should fix sticking toe brakes on all systems 100%
- Prior Core Updates Included
Below is a changelog of the prior core updates included in this installer:
CHANGES from v.1.5.1 to v.1.5.2
- All Core Aircraft
- Fixed minor bug in engine crankshaft and carburetor condition
- Reversed brakes on Spitfire
- Warbird engine fuel filter getting clogged has appropriate effect on engine
- All Core Aircraft
CHANGES from v.1.5 to v.1.5.1
- New accu-sim dll for improved performance and fixes some crashes reported on a small percentage of systems
- Offset contrail effect further back to avoid being seen in cockpit
- P-51 Civilian
- Radio channels are saved only when changed
- Tweaked LCD background
- Ailerons are back in action for the AP
- Fixed ADF channels save
- ATC ID for the "Moonbeam"
- Sunken tail wheel fixed
- Aileron animation is Multiplayer compatible
- Specular effects reduced on the radio displays
- Missing texture for the guarded switches
- Summary of new features in Core Update v.1.5
- Airframe and engine physics tuned to give better feedback about how the engine is running and how the air is passing over the airframe
- New fuel burn coding now monitors more systems and air qualities, making for better simulated fuel consumption
- Various fixes and improvements after listening to our customers in our community (thank you to everyone who takes the time to tell us what you think)
- P-51 Military owners will see, from the cockpit, an improved main canopy frame and a re-designed upper nose area among other fixes and improvements
- P-40 owners get a new tailwheel and better tuned prop and flap drag curves
- Spitfire owners get a slightly more robust engine and those using the fixed pitch prop should see a longer engine life
Changes from v.1.4 to v.1.5
- General
- Re-tuned airframe physics
- New fuel consumption code
- Cold start removes fuel from lines
- Engine state and hours won't be reset after update
- Mags more efficient for less RPM drop
- Battery charge now saved with the aircraft
- Batteries now charge fully in maint hangar (were receiving less than a full charge)
- Support for P-51 Modern / Civilian version
- Fixed an initialization bug with virgin flights
- Fixed bug in propeller drag physics
- P-51 Military
- New thick canopy frame
- VC. Flatter nose area
- Clipboard now reads both nautical and statute miles
- Changed miles abbreviation from "m" to "sm" in pilot's notes
- Radiator more durable
- Adjusted fix in flight dynamics that was causing issues during slip maneuvers
- Tail wheel steering adjusted
- Original brakes for the military P51
- Aftercoolant bug fixed
- Battery amp hours increased from 34 (military Mustang) to 43
- Fuel burn changes
- Fixed bug in pilot's weight with cold and dark
- Added an X to close the radio control panel
- P-40
- New tail wheel
- Reduced P-40 inertia starter torque
- AutoC&D doesn't reset set pilot's weight
- Tuned fuel consumption
- Added dedicated textures for the volumetric 3d landing light (was dependent on Spitire textures before)
- Tuned prop and flap drag for 25", full prop forward, -500ft/min, 110mph ias
- Improved texture lighting
- Fixed bug in elevator as seen from cockpit
- Spitfire
- AutoC&D doesn't reset set pilot's weight.
- Tuned fuel flow
- Show Imperial and US units / mph / knots in clipboard
- Raised detonation ceiling for spitfires to help with takeoffs with fixed pitch prop
- Improved texture lighting
Changes from v.1.3 to v.1.4
- General
- Engine hours and aircraft system states preserved (for those already on core update v.1.3)
- Fixed issue that caused one mag would sometimes not fire correctly
- Some changes to cabin humidity as cabin was fogging up during very humid days and rain
- P-40
New features:
- Added Auto Cold & Dark option
- The pilot is removable
- Added engine hot metal cooling crack physics and sounds
- Added carburetor fuel return line (reserve tank)
- New temperature gauge physics in p-40
- Improvements / Bug fixes:
- Increased aileron effectiveness at mid range speeds, reduced at high to match chart. Peak 95 deg sec at 270mph ias, 50 lb stick force.
- P-40 ram air / carb heat lever and logic fixed
- Brakes improvements
- New features:
- Added Auto Cold & Dark option
- The pilot is removable
- Added engine hot metal cooling crack physics and sounds
- Improvements / Bug fixes:
- Fixed Pneumatic pressure building after engine stops
- Increased pneumatic pressure useage with flap operation
- Direct drive electric starter torque increased
- P-51
Improvements / Bug fixes
- Metallic material and texture improvements
- Minor fixes to some paint chips
- Shorter oxygen hose
- Increased aileron effectiveness slightly to match flight test. Peak 95 deg sec at 310mph ias, 50 lb stick force
- Fixed / improved some specular texturing
- Trim can be more finely tuned
- FSX external sound fix
- Added sounds to IFF panel, stores release, lower arming panel switches, and fuel selector switch
- Better tail wheel tire rotation
- Some shortcut fixes / improvements
- Lowered hydraulic pump output at lower RPM (fairing doors won't come up so fast)
- Made some edits that may help a few with aftercoolant running out
- Direct drive electric starter torque increased
- Brakes improvements
- Changes from v.1.2 to v.1.3
- New oil system modeling. Based on A2A independent tests on live Merlin and Allison engines. Oil pressure is slower to rise, and pressures can be extremely high with cold oil. It is very important you observe oil temperature minimum temperatures before applying full power.
- Re-coded the magneto behavior on engine power
- Accu-Sim engine performance and drag envelopes better synched with FSX flight modeling
- Mach drag removed from FSX and fully controlled via Accu-Sim core
- Adjusted fuel starvation with clogged fuel filters
- Increased Co2 power for Spitfire emergency gear
- Wear power scalar to improve control over engine life for different engine types
- Some fuel system delivery tweaks, increased fuel pump output to avoid some pre-mature fuel starvation with very high power
- Sometimes moving to a new airfield from being in the air would result in the gear not being lowered.
- Reduced moisture put into the air by breathing
- Changes from v.1.1 to v.1.2
- Reduced the speed of outside canopy fogging up
- Aircraft can be jacked up
- "Check engine" in mechanic's notes will be persistent and not disappear after you have checked the engine
- Updated spitfire configurator so shortcut works
- Re-tuned side forces in flight model
- Added fuel line size differences for each aircraft
- Battery charging is a consumer
- Fixed bug that may have been responsible for unrepariable hydraulic leaks
- Made adjustments to the detonation. It is more sensitive to higher CAT
- Spitfire has mechanical gear locks
- Radiator lever control works and sounds better when mapped to an axis
- Added additional fuel system modeling. Fuel first has to drop from tanks, then the fuel pumps need to pump and pressurize the system
- Gear repairs on ground puts plane on jacks and repairs
- Coolant consumption bug fixed
- Autostart primes fuel
- Engine heat damage after shutdown fixed (this was another bug)
- Humidity goes to 0 when air is freezing
- Battery doesn't drain when switch is off (Spitfire battery is always ON)
- Hydraulic pump failure fixed
- Smoother landing gear animation
- Random prop start position
- Engine wind-down friction tuned (9 sec for merlin to stop after mixture cut)
- Can now start engine on primer alone
- Code supports broken reduction gear (may not implement until P-51)
- Busted crankshaft will seize engine
- Fixed bug when touchdown sounds are heard in air under very high G load
- Fixed the way the engine sucks fuel into cylinders.
- Oil friction tuned
- Detonation system re-calibrated
- High speed shake support added with scalars for each plane
- Fixed engine popping
- Gear physics added. Gear is affected by weight and air forces. Gear locks up and down.
- Hydraulic hand pumps (spitI gear handle is a hyd hand pump) now uses pressure physics
- Improved gear system damage modeling. Gear locks can break and gear can jam
- Improved flaps damage modeling.
Changes from v.1.0 to v1.1
- Changes affecting Spitfire MKI/II
- New engine oil and coolant algorithms representing internal mass inertia and coolant flow passing through a large engine. This means the engine can be quicker to heat up and slower to cool down.
- MkI flaps warning says 160 MPH instead of 140 MPH
- MkII cockpit: flaps warning says 160 IAS; maximum speeds converted to MPH
- New trigger for the MkI
- Aircraft.cfg atc_type=Supermarine
- Added additional physics to airframe vibrations. Vibrations are both more precise and dynamic
- Slightly lowered shake effect on our manifold pressure gauge
- Engine fire logic re-coded. Engine fires start based on high temps, eng cyinder condition, and engine oil system condition (representing oil outside of engine)
- Engine oil consumption increased. Can be as high as 4gph with a very worn engine (past TBO), not including leaks
- Brighter, weathered windshield screws to match existing worn cockpit
- RPM value that was feeding to FSX was reversed on the 2-speed prop. Accu-Sim was compensating for this, so changes should not be very noticeable, but working numbers are more consistent
- Engine remembers if it was running before exit
- Elevator and rudder trimwheels animation: 4 turns for full work range
- Fuel tanks on spit upgraded to new standard, should scale accurately with pitch changes
- Fixed gear collapsing bug
- Radiator flap positions changed to: 1. Closed/guns warming, 2. Normal flight, 3. 1/4 open, 4. 2/4 open, 5. 3/4 open. 6. Fully open
- New, less bluish glass
- Fuel gauges tooltips don't read any value when buttons are not pressed
- Runway thumps
- Removed A2A_Spit.dll
- Fixed error with low RPM combustion firing
- New physical fuel pressure physics. You can see this at very low RPM (when engine is cranking or winding down)
- New supercharger code module (supports multiple stages, draw, efficiency, and efficiency changes with different air pressures). Simply allows Accu-Sim to better simulate supercharged performance in all air conditions
- Removed files from aircraft panel folder that were moved to central folder
- Excessive bearing wear on startup and shutdown fixed
- Adjusted fuel delivery impact on engine combustion
- Smoother prop sounds for startup and shutdown when canopy is opened
- New "plastic" seat for the MkII
- Coolant overtemp relief valve blows roughly 1/10 gal per min
- Some texture and bump improvements
- Come copper internal components replaced with brass
- Removed default fuel pump sounds from spitfire sound.cfg's
- Multiplayer
- Landing flaps animation should be visible in MP
- Possible fix for the trolley and wheel chocks MP visibility issue.
- Disabled and renamed cartridge starter visual effect due to multiplayer error
- Changes only affecting other aircraft in development
- Electrical prop system added (P-40 Curtiss Electric prop)
- Electric prop does not draw electricity when at the stops
- Added drag system to P-40
- Fixed an issue with the wobble pump and fuel pressure
- Electrical voltage outputs set for each aircraft
- Initial P-51 cockpit sounds added (P-51)
- Fuel sloshing physics
- RPMGaugeSwayPhysics customizable for each aircraft
- Completed hydraulic system including actuator support for drooping gear doors in P-51
- New ground bump physics added
- RAM air and Carb heat systems implemented
- Engine piston suction bug fixed
- Oil dilution support added
- Inertia starter support (P-40)
- Manifold Pressure Regulator support (P-51)
- Oil cooler flaps (P-51)
- Automatic coolant and oil cooling systems (P-51)
- Electric fuel primer support (P-51)
- Hydraulic and Pneumatic brakes, flaps, and gear system support
- Initial turbo-jet engine physics modeling and sound module added (F-104)
- Manual wobble pump support (P-40)
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