• avi

    Did you know facts

    • Did you know 11% of people are left handed
    • Did you know August has the highest percentage of births
    • Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it
    • Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes
    • Did you know a bear has 42 teeth
    • Did you know an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain
    • Did you know lemons contain more sugar than strawberries
    • Did you know 8% of people have an extra rib
    • Did you know 85% of plant life is found in the ocean
    • Did you know Ralph Lauren's original name was Ralph Lifshitz
    • Did you know rabbits like licorice
    • Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has 13 letters
    • Did you know 'Topolino' is the name for Mickey Mouse Italy
    • Did you know a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue
    • Did you know armadillos have 4 babies at a time and are all the same sex
    • Did you know reindeer like bananas
    • Did you know the longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds
    • Did you know birds need gravity to swallow
    • Did you know the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E
    • Did you know the 3 most common languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English
    • Did you know dreamt is the only word that ends in mt
    • Did you know the first letters of the months July through to November spell JASON
    • Did you know a cat has 32 muscles in each ear
    • Did you know Perth is Australia's windiest city
    • Did you know Elvis's middle name was Aron
    • Did you know goldfish can see both infrared and ultraviolet light
    • Did you know the smallest bones in the human body are found in your ear
    • Did you know cats spend 66% of their life asleep
    • Did you know Switzerland eats the most chocolate equating to 10 kilos per person per year
    • Did you know money is the number one thing that couples argue about
    • Did you know macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs
    • Did you know when lightning strikes it can reach up to 30,000 degrees celsius (54,000 degrees fahrenheit)
    • Did you know spiders are arachnids and not insects
    • Did you know each time you see a full moon you always see the same side
    • Did you know stewardesses is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand
    • Did you know honey is the only natural food which never spoils
    • Did you know M&M's chocolate stands for the initials for its inventors Mars and Murrie
    • Did you know that you burn more calories eating celery than it contains (the more you eat the thinner you become)
    • Did you know the only continent with no active volcanoes is Australia
    • Did you know the longest street in the world is Yonge street in Toronto Canada measuring 1,896 km (1,178 miles)
    • Did you know about 90% of the worlds population kisses
    • Did you know Coca-Cola originally contained cocaine
    • Did you know the Internet was originally called ARPANet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) designed by the US department of defense
    • Did you know toilets use 35% of indoor water use
    • Did you know the fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco
    • Did you know Koalas sleep around 18 hours a day
    • Did you know the first Burger King was opened in Florida Miami in 1954
    • Did you know all insects have 6 legs
    • Did you know the croissant was invented in Austria
    • Did you know In eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from bananas
    • Did you know African Grey Parrots have vocabularies of over 200 words
    • Did you know a giraffe can clean its ears with its 21 inch tongue
    • Did you know Australia was originally called New Holland
    • Did you know 'Lonely Planet' for travelers is based in Melbourne Australia
    • Did you know the sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English alphabet
    • Did you know the Grand Canyon can hold around 900 trillion footballs
    • Did you know all the blinking in one day equates to having your eyes closed for 30 minutes
    • Did you know your foot has 26 bones in it
    • Did you know the average human brain contains around 78% water
    • Did you know 1 nautical knot equates to 1.852 Kph (1.150 mph)
    • Did you know if you add up all the numbers from 1 to 100 consecutively (1 + 2 + 3...) it totals 5050
    • Did you know sponges hold more cold water than hot
    • Did you know lightning strikes the Earth 6,000 times every minute
    • Did you know fire usually moves faster uphill than downhill
    • Did you know cats have over 100 vocal chords
    • Did you know camel's milk doesn't curdle
    • Did you know elephants sleep between 4 - 5 hours in 24 period
    • Did you know it's possible to lead a cow up stairs but not down
    • Did you know frogs can't swallow with their eyes open
    • Did you know elephants are the only mammal that can't jump
    • Did you know a 1/4 of your bones are in your feet
    • Did you know your tongue is the fastest healing part of your body
    • Did you know on your birthday you share it with 9 million others
    • Did you know 1 googol is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros
    • Did you know a 1 minute kiss burns 26 calories
    • Did you know you burn more calories sleeping than watching TV
    • Did you know frogs don't usually swallow water (they absorb most of the moisture they need through their skin)
    • Did you know at birth dalmations are always white
    • Did you know hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards
    • Did you know a duck can't walk without bobbing its head
    • Did you know a hummingbird's heart beats at over a 1,000 times a minute
    • Did you know dragonflies have 6 legs but can't walk
    • Did you know a crocodile can't move its tongue
    • Did you know that the first MTV video played was 'Video killed the radio star' by the Buggles
    • Did you know in 1878 the first telephone book made contained only 50 names
    • Did you know pop corn was invented by the Aztec Indians
    • Did you know an average person will spend 25 years asleep
    • Did you know hippopotamuses have killed more people in Africa than any other animal
    • Did you know an elephants ears are used to regulate body temperature
    • Did you know the Arctic Ocean is the smallest in the world
    • Did you know the most common mental illnesses are anxiety and depression
    • Did you know the word laser stands for 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation'
    • Did you know crocodiles never outgrow their enclosure
    • Did you know reindeer hair is hollow inside like a tube
    • Did you know your skin is the largest organ making up the human body
    • Did you know cows don't have upper front teeth
    • Did you know everyday is a holiday somewhere in the world
    • Did you know the coins thrown into the Trevi fountain in Italy are collected for charity
    • Did you know french fries are originally from Belgium
    • Did you know there are 31,557,600 seconds in a year
    • Did you know there are 22 stars in the Paramount studios logo
    • Did you know in a deck of cards the king of hearts is the only king without a moustache
    • Did you know black on yellow are the 2 colors with the strongest impact
    • Did you know the safest car color is white
    • Did you know the most commonly forgotten item for travelers is their toothbrush
    • Did you know Coca Cola launched its 3rd product Sprite in 1961
    • Did you know apples are more effective at waking you up in the morning than coffee
    • Did you know room temperature is defined as between 20 to 25C (68 to 77F)
    • Did you know an octopus pupil is rectangular
    • Did you know the hyoid bone in your throat is the only bone in your body not attached to any other
    • Did you know the Australian aircraft carrier QANTAS stands for Queensland And Northern Territories Aerial Service
    • Did you know the movie Pulp Fiction cost $8 million to make with $5 million going towards actor's salaries
    • Did you know there are only 4 words in the English language which end in 'dous' (they are: hazardous, horrendous, stupendous and tremendous)
    • Did you know the oldest word in the English language is 'town'
    • Did you know cats can't move their jaw sideways
    • Did you know grapes explode when you put them in the microwave
    • Did you know its physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky
    • Did you know your most sensitive finger is your index finger (closest to your thumb)
    • Did you know 'Bookkeeper' and 'bookkeeping' are the only 2 words in the English language with three consecutive double letters
    • Did you know Venetian blinds were invented in Japan
    • Did you know the average golf ball has 336 dimples
    • Did you know the word 'Strengths' is the longest word in the English language with just one vowel
    • Did you know the movie 'Wayne's World' was filmed in two weeks
    • Did you know the Amazon rainforest produces half the world's oxygen supply
    • Did you know a group of frogs is called an army
    • Did you know a group of rhinos is called a crash
    • Did you know a group of kangaroos is called a mob
    • Did you know a group of whales is called a pod
    • Did you know a group of geese is called a gaggle
    • Did you know a group of owls is called a parliament
    • Did you know the first sailing boats were built in Egypt
    • Did you know Brazil is named after a tree
    • Did you know Brazil covers 50% of the South American continent
    • Did you know Brazil borders every country in South America except Chile and Ecuador
    • Did you know Hilton was the first international hotel chain
    • Did you know the brand Nokia is named after a place in Southern Finland
    • Did you know Monopoly is the most played board game in the world
    • Did you know 96% of candles sold are purchased by women
    • Did you know 42% of men and women 25% don`t wash their hands after using a public toilet
    • Did you know if you filled a matchbox with gold it could be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court
    • Did you know Jamaica has 120 rivers
    • Did you know a cats urine glows under a blacklight
    • Did you know white cats with blue eyes are usually deaf
    • Did you know cats have a peripheral vision of 285 degrees
    • Did you know small dogs usually live longer than larger breeds
    • Did you know domestic cats dislike citrus scents
    • Did you know cats can jump up to 7 times their tail length
    • Did you know China manufacturers 70% of the worlds toys
    • Did you know The Great Wall of China is approximately 6,430 Km long (3,995 miles)
    • Did you know paper originated from China
    • Did you know the wheelbarrow is invented in China
    • Did you know tree hugging is forbidden in china
    • Did you know the film 'Mary Poppins' was filmed entirely indoors
    • Did you know all of the clocks in the movie 'Pulp Fiction' are fixed to 4:20
    • Did you know instant coffee was invented in 1901
    • Did you know the human body of a 70 kg person contains 0.2mg of gold
    • Did you know rice is the staple food for 50% of the worlds population
    • Did you know Pearls melt in vinegar
    • Did you know a hard boiled eggs spin (uncooked or soft boiled don`t)
    • Did you know there is no butter in buttermilk
    • Did you know giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels
    • Did you know the dot on top of the letter 'i' is called a tittle
    • Did you know the electric chair was invented by a dentist
    • Did you know you're more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider
    • Did you know a crocodile can't stick out its tongue
    • Did you know rubber bands last longer when kept refrigerated
    • Did you know women blink twice as much as men
    • Did you know ostriches don't bury their heads in sand
    • Did you know only female mosquitoes bite
    • Did you know Scotland has the most redheads
    • Did you know household dust is made of dead skin cells
    • Did you know the past tense for the English word 'dare' is 'durst'
    • Did you know hummingbirds can't walk
    • Did you know wind doesn`t make a sound until it blows against an object
    • Did you know the naming of tropical storms and hurricanes officially began in 1953
    • Did you know India has the most post offices than any other country (over 100,000)
    • Did you know India is home to over 200 million cows
    • Did you know the Taj Mahal in India is made entirely out of marble
    • Did you know Bali has the worlds largest variety of flora
    • Did you know Bill Gates began programming computers at the of age 13
    • Did you know every single possible 3 character .com domain has been registered
    • Did you know the word 'uncopyrightable' is the is the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating any letter
    • Did you know the word 'testify' derived from a time when men were required to swear on their testicles
    • Did you know the word typewriter is the longest word that can be typed using only the top row of a keyboard
    • Did you know that you can spell the word 'level' the same backwards
    • Did you know Madonna and Michael Jackson were both born in 1958
    • Did you know almonds are members of the peach family
    • Did you know an egg contains every vitamin except vitamin C
    • Did you know owls can't move their eyes from side to side
    • Did you know you take over 23,000 breaths everyday
    • Did you know gold never erodes
    • Did you know scorpions glow under ultra violet light
    • Did you know when water freezes it expans by 9%
    • Did you know ants stretch when they wake up in the morning
    • Did you know your foot and your forearm are the same length
    • Did you know diamonds are the hardest natural substance
    • Did you know 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
    • Did you know the longest possible eclipse of the sun is 7.31 minutes
    • Did you know Halley's comet passes the Earth every 76 years (the next time it will return will be 2062)
    • Did you know there is no sound in space
    • Did you know tennis was originally played with bare hands
    • Did you know the Olympic flag was designed in 1913
    • Did you know a bowling pin will fall at a tilt of 7.5 degrees
    • Did you know there are 31,536,000 seconds in a year
    • Did you know a piece of paper cannot be folded more than 7 times
    • Did you know the opposite sides of a die always adds up to 7
    • Did you know VHS stands for Video Home System
    • Did you know the WD in WD-40 stands for Water Displacer
    • Did you know the electric toothbrush was invented in 1939
    • Did you know Porsche also builds tractors
    • Did you know the Eiffel Tower has 1,792 steps
    • Did you know Isaac Newton invented the cat door
    • Did you know the Titanic was built in Belfast
    • Did you know Buckingham Palace has over 600 rooms
    • Did you know Hawaii was originally called the Sandwich Islands
    • Did you know Americans eat 35,000 tons of pasta a year
    • Did you know Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee
    • Did you know Americans throw away 44 million newspapers a day
    • Did you know Einstein slept 10 hours a night
    • Did you know Germany borders 9 other countries
    • Did you know Peru has more pyramids than Egypt
    • Did you know Christmas trees originated from Germany
    • Did you know more people die from falling coconuts then from shark attacks
    • Did you know the original design of Monopoly was circular
    • Did you know the Earth is struck by lightning over 100 times every second
    • Did you know over 2,500 left handed people are killed a year from using right handed products
    • Did you know gorillas sleep 14 hours a day
    • Did you know the lifespan of a squirrel is 9 years
    • Did you know the stomach acids found in a snakes stomach can digest bones and teeth but not fur or hair
    • Did you know the word racecar can be spelled the same way backwards
    • Did you know a giraffe can go longer without water than a camel
    • Did you know you burn more calories sleeping than watching television
    • Did you know the word 'underground is the only word that begins and ends with the letters 'und'
    • Did you know 56% of typing is completed by your left hand
    • Did you know there are more chickens than people
    • Did you know for every human there are 200 million insects
    • Did you know the average bed contains over 6 billion dust mites
    • Did you know an iguana can stay under water for 28 minutes
    • Did you know emus can't walk backwards
    • Did you know the Eifel Tower has 2,500,000 rivets
    • Did you know Americas top selling ice cream flavour is vanilla
    • Did you know the doorbell was invented in 1831
    • Did you know there are 7 points on the Statue of Liberty's crown
    • Did you know the oldest known vegetable is the pea
    • Did you know the most fatal car accidents occur on Saturdays
    • Did you know the average hen lays 228 eggs a year
    • Did you know the Eiffel Tower has 1,792 steps
    • Did you know Iceland consumes more Coca Cola than any other country
    • Did you know Oak trees don't produce acorns until they are 50 years old
    • Did you know the word 'almost' is the longest word spelt alphabetically
    • Did you know human thigh bones are stronger than concrete
    • Did you know Earth is the only planet not named after a god
    • Did you know months that start on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th
    • Did you know more people are allergic to cows milk than any other food
    • Did you know more people are killed from bees than snakes
    • Did you know the average person laughs 10 times a day
    • Did you know the Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific
    • Did you know your mouth produces 1 litre of saliva a day
    • Did you know your head contains 22 bones
    • Did you know the coloured part of your eye is called the iris
    • Did you know if your DNA was stretched out it would reach to the moon 6,000 times
    • Did you know everyone has a unique tongue print
    • Did you know you begin to feel thirsty when your body losses 1% of water
    • Did you know hiccups usually lasts for 5 minutes
    • Did you know not all your taste buds are on our tongue (10% are on the insides of you cheeks)
    • Did you know the life span of a house fly is between 10 to 25 days
    • Did you know a dolphins top speed is 60kmh (37mph)
    • Did you know the smallest dog is the Chihuahua
    • Did you know a sharks top speed is 70kmh (44mph)
    • Did you know there are 70 million sheep in New Zealand (with 4 million people)
    • Did you know the worlds smallest bird is the 'bee hummingbird' found in Cuba
    • Did you know African elephants only have 4 teeth
    • Did you know The first English dictionary was written in 1755
    • Did you know the rarest type of diamond is green
    • Did you know MasterCard was originally called MasterCharge
    • Did you know the US flag has 13 stripes (representing the original 13 states)
    • Did you know men are stuck by lightning 7 times more than women
    • Did you know Tokyo was once known as Edo
    • Did you know women make up 49% of the worlds population
    • Did you know wine is sold in tinted bottles because it spoils when exposed to light
    • Did you know the tea bag was invented in 1908
    • Did you know carrots contain 0% fat
    • Did you know 1 billion snails are served in restaurants each year
    • Did you know plastic bottles were first used for soft drinks in 1970
    • Did you know the $ sign was introduced in 1788
    • Did you know the meaning of 'Blue Chip' comes from blue casino chips which have a high value
    • Did you know DVDs are physically the same size as a CDs but can store 13 times more data
    • Did you know the term 'disc jockey' was first used in 1937
    • Did you know sound travels 4.3 times faster through water than in air
    • Did you know the average soccer ball is made up of 32 leather panels and held together by 642 stitches
    • Did you know soccer is the most followed sport
    • Did you know volleyball was invented in 1895
    • Did you know that in developed countries 27% of food is thrown away
    • Did you know the odds of being struck by lightning are 600,000 to 1
    • Did you know the first train reached a top speed of only 8 kmh (5 mph)
    • Did you know Niagara Falls could fill 4,000 bathtubs every second
    • Did you know it takes 1 alligator to make a pair of shoes and 3 for a pair of boots
    • Did you know your most active muscles are in your eye
    • Did you know a banana contains 75% water
    • Did you know 13 people die every year from vending machines
    • Did you know rain contains vitamin B12
    • Did you know your liver has over 500 functions
    • Did you know your brain uses 25% of all the oxygen your breathe
    • Did you know after Hawaii, New York is the state surrounded by the most water
    • Did you know ice skating rinks always go counter clock wise (for the majority of people that are right handed needing to hang onto the rail)
    • Did you know a flea can jump 350 times its body length
    • Did you know cucumbers are 96% water.
    • Did you know a full moon is 9 times brighter than a half moon
    • Did you know a honeybee's top speed is 24kph (15mph)
    • Did you know a humming bird flaps its wings up to 90 times a second (5,400 times a minute)
    • Did you know flys always launch backwards for a quick getaway
    • Did you know horses have 18 more bones than humans
    • Did you know a cheetahs top speed is 114kph (70mph)
    • Did you know horses sleep standing up
    • Did you know a jellyfish is 95% water
    • Did you know bats are the only mammals that fly
    • Did you know a cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through
    • Did you know every day 7% of the US eats at McDonalds
    • Did you know a snail can sleep for 3 years
    • Did you know tigers have striped skin as well as fur
    • Did you know crocodiles are colour blind
    • Did you know a chameleons tongue is twice the length of its body
    • Did you know dogs sweat through the pads on their feet
    • Did you know hippopotamuses are born under water
    • Did you know bananas grow pointing upwards.
    • Did you know whales can't swim backwards
    • Did you know camels are born without humps
    • Did you know only female mosquitoes bite
    • Did you know the average porcupine has 30,000 spikes
    • Did you know tarantula spiders can survive 2 and a half years without food
    • Did you know crocodiles are responsible for over a 1,000 deaths each year by the Banks of the Nile river
    • Did you know there are more insects in the world than all other animals combined
    • Did you know giraffes can't swim
    • Did you know crocodiles swallow rocks to help them dive deeper
    • Did you know an elephant's trunk can hold over 5 litres of water
    • Did you know bull's can run faster uphill than down
    • Did you know a shark's teeth are literally as hard as steel
    • Did you know a moth has no stomach
    • Did you know grasshoppers have white blood
    • Did you know it takes 50 minutes to soft boil and two hours to hard boil an ostrich egg
    • Did you know New York was once called New Amsterdam
    • Did you know there is 200 times more gold in the world's oceans than has been mined
    • Did you know Brazil got its name from the Brazilian nut (not the other way around)
    • Did you know the moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days
    • Did you know more than 75% of all countries are north of the equator
    • Did you know 2 million hydrogen atoms would be required to cover a full stop (.)
    • Did you know Hawaii officially became apart of the US in 1900
    • Did you know the D.C. in Washington D.C. stands for District of Columbia
    • Did you know New York contains 920km (571miles) of shoreline
    • Did you know The Dead Sea is actually an inland lake
    • Did you know there are no rivers in Saudi Arabia
    • Did you know the largest exporter of sugar is Cuba
    • Did you know dirty snow melts quicker than clean snow
    • Did you know Icelandic phone books are listed by first names (not surnames)
    • Did you know 1 gigayear = 1,000,000,000,000 years
    • Did you know the water in the Dead Sea is so salty that its easier to float than sink
    • Did you know wRio de Janeiro translates to river of January
    • Did you know the Moons diameter is 3,476km
    • Did you know New York's Central Park was opened in 1876
    • Did you know the subject of the first printed book in England was about chess
    • Did you know the word old English word 'juke' meaning dancing lends its name to the juke box
    • Did you know EMI awards stands for 'Electrical and Musical Instruments'
    • Did you know the most sung song is happy birthday
    • Did you know the first rugby club was formed in 1843
    • Did you know the most common injury in ten pin bowling is a sore thumb
    • Did you know the yo-yo was originally used as a weapon for hunting the in the Philippines
    • Did you know draughts (checkers) is older than chess
    • Did you know orienteering originated from Sweden
    • Did you know blonde beards grow faster than darker beards
    • Did you know when recognising a persons face you use the right side of your brain
    • Did you know the human body contains 96,000km(59,650miles) of blood vessels
    • Did you know the hydrochloric acid found in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve a nail
    • Did you know on average you blink 25,000 a day
    • Did you know men have 10% more red blood cells than women
    • Did you know you have fewer muscles than a caterpillar
    • Did you know New Zealands first hospital was opened in 1843
    • Did you know when your face blushes so does your stomach lining
    • Did you know 1 square inch of human skin contains 625 sweat glands
    • Did you know your normal body temperature is 37C (99F)
    • Did you know red blood cells are produced in bone marrow
    • Did you know you shed a complete layer of skin every 4 weeks
    • Did you know that after petrol, coffee is the largest item bought and sold
    • Did you know the first metered taxi was introduced in 1907
    • Did you know the Chinese used fingerprints as a method of identification as far back as AD 700
    • Did you know a Sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure
    • Did you know the revolving door was invented in 1888
    • Did you know minus 40C is exactly the same temperature as minus 40F
    • Did you know cars were first started with ignition keys in 1949
    • Did you know to crack a whip the tip must be travelling faster than the speed of sound
    • Did you know there is enough petrol in a full tank of a Jumbo Jet to drive the average car 4 times around the world
    • Did you know Sir Isaac Newton was 23 when he discovered the law of gravity
    • Did you know the lie detector was invented in 1921
    • Did you know the world's knowledge is growing so fast that 90% of what we will know in 50 years time will be discovered in those 50 years
    • Did you know the drinking straw was invented in 1886
    • Did you know red light has the highest wavelength
    • Did you know paper money was first used in China
    • Did you know according to the old English time system a moment is 1 and a half minutes
    • Did you know oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen make up 90% of the human body
    • Did you know light is electro magnetic radiation
    • Did you know a car travelling at 80kph (50mph) uses half its fuel to overcome wind resistance
    • Did you know gunpowder is formed by mixing charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur
    • Did you know giraffes have no vocal cords
    • Did you know most birds eat twice their body weight each day
    • Did you know a group of whales is called a pod
    • Did you know armadillos can walk underwater
    • Did you know the bones of a pigeon weigh less than its feathers
    • Did you know the cheetah is the only cat that can't retract it's claws
    • Did you know roosters can't crow if they can't fully extend their necks
    • Did you know dolphins can hear underwater sounds from 24km (15miles) away
    • Did you know flamingos can only eat when their heada are upside down
    • Did you know the fingerprints of koala bear are indistinguishable to that of a human
    • Did you know a female ferret is called a jill
    • Did you know porcupines float in water
    • Did you know the last Play Boy centerfold to have staples was published in 1985
    • Did you know Scissors were most likely invented ancient Egypt
    • Did you know each year there is one ton of cement poured for each man, woman, and child
    • Did you know turnips turn green when sunburnt
    • Did you know The US shreds 7,000 tons of worn out currency each year
    • Did you know moisture (not air) causes super glue to dry
    • Did you know americans spend $10 million a day on potato chips
    • Did you know artificial Christmas trees have outsold real ones every year since 1991
    • Did you know 70% of all Irish barley grown goes towards the production of Guinness beer
    • Did you know all of the cobble stones used to line the streets in New York were originally stones found in the hulls of Belgian ships ballast
    • Did you know a Chinese checkerboard has 121 holes
    • Did you know Britain was the first country to use postage stamps
    • Did you know the average person will consume 100 tons of food and 45,424 liters (12,000 gallons) of water in their lifetime
    • Did you know a deck of cards should be shuffled at least 7 times before playing
    • Did you know the side of a hammer is called a cheek
    • Did you know 32% of all land in the U.S. is owned by the government
    • Did you know Pinocchio is Italian for 'pine head'
    • Did you know the letter W is the only letter in the alphabet that has 3 syllables (all others have 1)
    • Did you know the longest word that can be typed using only our right hand is 'lollipop'
    • Did you know 1 out of every 8 letters written is an e
    • Did you know people who work at night tend to weigh more
    • Did you know you can only see a rainbow if you have your back to the sun
    • Did you know the oldest exposed surface on Earth is New Zealand's south island
    • Did you know 45,000 thunderstorms around the world occur every day
    • Did you know most of the Vitamin C found in fruits is in the skin
    • Did you know Elvis Presley made only 1 television commercial
    • Did you know you can buy square watermelons in Japan (developed to stack better in supermarkets)
    • Did you know the typical wave height from Pacific tsunami is between 6 - 9 metres
    • Did you know iet Coke was introduced in 1982
    • Did you know the word 'lethologica' describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want
    • Did you know everyday, more money is printed for Monopoly sets than for the U.S. Treasury
    • Did you know wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times
    • Did you know 55% of all movies are rated R
    • Did you know there are 2 chickens for every person
    • Did you know 80% of burglaries are committed by people aged 13-21
    • Did you know half of all crimes are committed by people under the age of 18
    • Did you know half of all crimes are committed by people under the age of 18
    • Did you know Shakespeare invented the words 'assassination' and 'bump'
    • Did you know there are a million ants for every person on Earth
    • Did you know over 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens each year
    • Did you know new born babies have 350 bones (by age 5 the amount of bones merges to 206)
    • Did you know there is no proof as to who built the Taj Mahal
    • Did you know The sixth sick sheik`s sixth sheep`s sick' is said to be the toughest tongue twister
    • Did you know that in the 17th century the value of pi was known to 35 decimal places (today to 1.2411 trillion)
    • Did you know Tiger Woods' real first name is Eldrick
    • Did you know you use 72 different muscles while speaking
    • Did you know coconuts kill over 150 people each year (more than sharks)
    • Did you know it took Leonardo Da Vinci 10 years to paint Mona Lisa
    • Did you know the most common disease is tooth decay
    • Did you know avocados have the most calories of any other fruit
    • Did you know American's eat 18 billion hot dogs a year
    • Did you know emus can't walk backwards
    • Did you know half of all crimes are committed by people under the age of 18
    • Did you know the Earth weighs 6,588,000,000,000,000,000 tons
    • Did you know the average person goes to the toilet 6 times a day
    • Did you know Jack is the most common name in nursery rhymes
    • Did you know there are 7 points on the Statue of Liberty's crown
    • Did you know 'Babe' was played by over 50 pigs
    • Did you know the most common time for a wake up call is 7am
    • Did you know giraffes has the highest blood pressure of any animal
    • Did you know India has over 50 million monkeys
    • Did you know Iceland was the first country to legalise abortion in 1935
    • Did you know blue and white are the most common school colors
    • Did you know ostriches have a 14 meter (46 foot) long small intestine
    • Did you know your foot is the most common body part bitten by insects
    • Did you know Japan is the largest exporter of frog legs
    • Did you know the sun is 330,330 times larger than the Earth
    • Did you know every year the sun loses 360 million tons
    • Did you know the shell is 12% of an eggs weight
    • Did you know the longest time a person has been in a coma is 37 years
    • Did you know the first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum
    • Did you know the first Lifesaver flavor was peppermint
    • Did you know the longest one syllable word in the English language is 'screeched'
    • Did you know squid has 10 tentacles
    • Did you know the average American eats 263 eggs a year
    • Did you know in 75% of American households women manage the money and pay the bills
    • Did you know hypnotism is banned in public schools in San Diego (U.S.)
    • Did you know third of Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it
    • Did you know you're more likely to get stung by a bee on a windy day than any other
    • Did you know your right lung takes in more air than your left
    • Did you know womens hearts beat faster than mens
    • Did you know the atomic symbol for iron is Fe (the original name for iron was Ferric)
    • Did you know the odds of being stuck by lighting is 280,000 to 1
    • Did you know the average bank teller loses $250 every year
    • Did you know more people are killed by hippopotamuses then by lions, elephants and water buffalos combined
    • Did you know the average person has 10,000 taste buds
    • Did you know Iceland consumes more Coca Cola per capita than any other country
    • Did you know 'underground' is the only word that begins and ends with the letters 'und'
    • Did you know a woodpeckers tongue can wrap around its head twice
    • Did you know snakes can't blink
    • Did you know ants don`t like baby powder (talcum powder)
    • Did you know employees are more likely to book holidays off work on a Monday that any other week day
    • Did you know the ball on top of a flag pole is called the truck
    • Did you know a rat can tread water for 3 days
    • Did you know bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers were all all invented by women
    • Did you know there is no rice in rice paper
    • Did you know dolphins can kills sharks by ramming them with their snout
    • Did you know sharks can sense a drop of blood from 4km (2.5miles) away
    • Did you know bottle nosed whales can dive to a depth of 915 metres (3,000feet) in 2 minutes
    • Did you know the only continent without reptiles or snakes is Antarctica
    • Did you know Australia has the largest sheep population
    • Did you know greyhounds can reach speeds of up to 67kph (42mph)
    • Did you know you can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth (most males have 40, females 36)
    • Did you know sharks never stop moving even when they sleep or rest
    • Did you know greyhounds can see better than any other dog breed
    • Did you know when 2 zebras stand side by side they usually face each other in opposite directions to keep an eye out for predators
    • Did you know most cows produce more milk when they listen to music
    • Did you know elephants communicate in sound waves below the frequency that humans can hear
    • Did you know giant tortoises can live in captivity longer than any other animal
    • Did you know snakes can't bite in rivers or swamps (they would drown otherwise)
    • Did you know a blue whale can go up to 6 months without eating
    • Did you know pelicans consume around a 1/3 of its body weight in a single meal
    • Did you know gorillas can't swim
    • Did you know house cats have 18 claws
    • Did you know giraffes can't cough
    • Did you know the Giant Pacific Octopus can squeeze its entire body through a hole the size of its beak
    • Did you know deers don't like hay
    • Did you know shrimps are all born male but slowly grow into females
    • Did you know the average elephant produces 22kg (50 pounds) of dunn each day
    • Did you know there are more than 50 different kinds of kangaroos
    • Did you know the average lifespan of a squirrel is 9 years
    • Did you know a platypus can eat its weight in worms every day
    • Did you know fleas can accelerate 50 times faster than a space shuttle
    • Did you know spiders have transparent blood
    • Did you know mosquitoes prefer children to adults and blondes to brunettes
    • Did you know only 4 out of 20,000 species of bees produce honey
    • Did you know March 14 is 'save a spider day'
    • Did you know all the people on Earth could fit into a 1 km cube
    • Did you know there are over 4,300 known species of ladybugs
    • Did you know a fly's recation time is 30 milliseconds
    • Did you know butterflies taste with their back feet
    • Did you know moths have no stomach
    • Did you know bees and house flies flap their wings 200 times a second
    • Did you know bees have 4 wings
    • Did you know the most eaten fruit in America is the banana
    • Did you know the ancient Greeks first grew carrots as a form of medicine and not a food
    • Did you know originally in 1886 Coca Cola was introduced as an 'intellectual beverage' to boost brain power
    • Did you know over a third of all pineapples come from Hawaii
    • Did you know the frozen foods were first introduced in the 1920.
    • Did you know the color of a chile pepper is no indication of its heat (usually the smaller the the hotter)
    • Did you know John Kellogg invented corn flakes
    • Did you know 60 cows can produce a ton of milk each day
    • Did you know Orange Fanta is the 3rd largest selling soft drink in the world
    • Did you know Italy and France produce over 40% of all wine
    • Did you know there are over 15,000 different kinds of rice
    • Did you know dairy products account for 29% of all food consumed in the U.S.
    • Did you know the ideal temperature to fall asleep is between 18-30c (64-86f)
    • Did you know Canada has more lakes than any other country
    • Did you know the largest island in the Mediterranean sea is Sicily
    • Did you know 90% of all volcanic activity occurs in the ocean
    • Did you know the Nile river flows North
    • Did you know Spain's largest source of income is from tourism
    • Did you know Coca Cola was founded by Joseph A Biedenharn
    • Did you know the first place in the world to allow women to vote New Zealand
    • Did you know the first parachute jump from plane was in 1918 over France
    • Did you know the dollar values on the board game Monopoly have been the same since 1935
    • Did you know the first US coast to coast aeroplane flight occurred in 1911 and took 49 days
    • Did you know the first paperback book was printed by Penguin Publishing in 1935
    • Did you know before 1863 the postal service in the US was free
    • Did you know the first taxi service began in New York in 1907
    • Did you know Pez was invented in 1927
    • Did you know the elevator was invented in 1850
    • Did you know the first toothbrush was invented in 1498
    • Did you know honey enters your blood stream within 20 minutes of being eaten
    • Did you know you brain weights 2% of your body weight though uses 20% of all oxygen you breathe and 15% of the bodys blood supply
    • Did you know each red blood cell lives an average of 4 months and travels between the lungs and other tissue 75,000 times before returning to bone marrow to die
    • Did you know the hardest substance in the human body is enamel
    • Did you know there are over 10 trillion living cells in the human body
    • Did you know the number 1 cause of blindness in the US is diabetes
    • Did you know trees do not have life expectancies (most can grown indefinitely)
    • Did you know rain contains vitamin B12
    • Did you know over 500 meteorites hit the Earth each year
    • Did you know clouds fly higher during the day than the night
    • Did you know the Sun has a diameter of 1,390,176km (864,000miles)
    • Did you know it takes a plastic container over 50,000 years to start decomposing
    • Did you know every year over 98% of atoms in your body are replaced
    • Did you know your blood is 6 times thicker than water
    • Did you know clothes dried outside smell better because of a process called photolysis (sunlight breaks down compounds that cause odor)
    • Did you know Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature
    • Did you know the opposite of a 'vacuum' is a 'plenum'
    • Did you know sound travels 15 times faster through steel than air
    • Did you know before 1850 golf balls were made of leather and were stuffed with feathers
    • Did you know the most common Spanish surname is Garcia
    • Did you know 22% of people skip lunch daily
    • Did you know the average person swallows 295 times during a meal
    • Did you know 72% of people eavesdrop
    • Did you know the most popular snack food is potato chips
    • Did you know 45% of people use mouthwash daily
    • Did you know on average 22% of all restaurant meals include potato chips
    • Did you know the most popular toothbrush color is blue
    • Did you know the US produces 19% of the world's trash
    • Did you know 59% of people say that their average looking
    • Did you know 53% of women don't leave home without makeup on
    • Did you know 44% of people have broken a bone
    • Did you know 9% of people skip breakfast daily
    • Did you know chocolate manufacturers use 40% of the world's almonds
    • Did you know 90% people depend on alarm clocks to wake up
    • Did you know 21% of people don't make their bed in the morning
    • Did you know 85% of women wear the wrong bra size
    • Did you know the number 1 reason why people purchase a mobile phone is for safety
    • Did you know per person France consumes the most cheese
    • Did you know the Earth experiences over 50,000 earthquakes a year
    • Did you know 75% of people wouldn't give up their spouse for a night for a $1,000,000
    • Did you know M*A*S*H stood for 'Mobile Army Surgical Hospital'
    • Did you know The TV sitcom Seinfeld was originally called 'The Seinfeld Chronicles'
    • Did you know the first James Bond movie was called 'Dr. No'
    • Did you know 'fan' is short for 'fanatic'
    • Did you know clinophobia is the fear of going to bed
    • Did you know a standard 747 jumbo jet has 420 seats
    • Did you know police dogs are trained to respond to commands in foreign languages (usually German or Hungarian)
    • Did you know the makers of the board game Monopoly print over 50 billion dollars worth of Monopoly money every year
    • Did you know the 'black box' that houses an airplanes voice recorder is actually orange so it can be more easily detected amid the debris of a plane crash
    • Did you know the average ice berg weighs 20,000,000 tons
    • Did you know the blueprints for the Eiffel Tower covered more than 14,000 square feet of drafting paper
    • Did you know the Colgate toothpaste company started out making starch, soap, and candles
    • Did you know the first crossword puzzle appeared in 1913
    • Did you know the human eye can detect more shades of green that any other colour
    • Did you know the number 4 is the only number that has the same number of letters in it
    • Did you know the statue of Liberty's mouth is 3 feet wide
    • Did you know the surface area of a brick is 79 cm squared
    • Did you know 3 teaspoons make up 1 tablespoon
    • Did you know useful life of a modern toilet is 50 years
    • Did you know jellyfish don't have a brain
    • Did you know 45% of Americans don't know that the sun is a star
    • Did you know the Greek national anthem has 158 verses
    • Did you know it takes 1 week to make a jelly bean
    • Did you know you can't tickle yourself
    • Did you know you can't trademark surnames
    • Did you know ferrets sleep between 18 - 20 hours a day
    • Did you know the 'you are here' arrow on maps is called an ideo locator
    • Did you know A Boeing 747 airliner holds 216,847 litres (57,285 gallons) of fuel
    • Did you know a violin contains over 70 separate pieces of wood
    • Did you know there are over 10 million bricks in the Empire State Building
    • Did you know the average person has over 1,460 dreams a year
    • Did you know recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours
    • Did you know a baby fetus develops fingerprints at eighteen weeks
    • Did you know a group of foxes is called a skulk
    • Did you know a hippopotamus can run faster than a man
    • Did you know a King Cobra is the biggest of all poisonous snakes and can grow to over 4 metres (13 feet) long
    • Did you know lions in the wild usually makes no more than 20 kills a year
    • Did you know a male baboon can kill a leopard
    • Did you know rhinoceros have 3 toes on each foot
    • Did you know a shrimp has 5 pairs of legs
    • Did you know elephants can run up to 40kmh (25mph)
    • Did you know baby rattlesnakes are born in August and September
    • Did you know most snakes have 1 lung
    • Did you know camels have 3 eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand
    • Did you know the night vision of tigers is 6 times better than humans
    • Did you know flamingoes can live up to 80 years old
    • Did you know in Africa more people are killed by crocodiles than lions
    • Did you know most dinosaurs lived to be more than 100 years old
    • Did you know out of the 250+ known species of shark only 18 are known to be dangerous to man
    • Did you know an ostriches can outrun a horse
    • Did you know an ostriches life span is 40-45 years
    • Did you know squirrels can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground
    • Did you know wild cobras can live up to 20 years old
    • Did you know the average cow produces 40 glasses of milk a day
    • Did you know a blue whale can weigh as much as 30 elephants and as long as 3 large tour buses
    • Did you know the greyhound is the fastest dog and can reach speeds of up to 72kph (45mph)
    • Did you know the fastest fish in the sea is the swordfish and can reach up to speeds of 108kph (68mph, 59knots)
    • Did you know female condors lays a single egg once every 2 years
    • Did you know hippopotamuses have skin 3.8cm (1.5in) thick
    • Did you know an arrow frog has enough poison to kill over 2,200 people
    • Did you know whales have the slowest metabolism of all animals
    • Did you know penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere primarily in Antarctica (excluding zoos above the equator)
    • Did you know toads only eat moving prey
    • Did you know when born a baby giraffe is 1.8m (6ft) tall
    • Did you know a bear in hibernation loses up to 25% of its body weight
    • Did you know pandas spend 12 hours a day eating bamboo
    • Did you know crocodiles continually grow new sets of teeth to replace old ones
    • Did you know the skeleton of an African elephant accounts for about 15% of its body weight
    • Did you know there are over 1,600 known species of starfishes
    • Did you know there are over 320 species of parrots
    • Did you know there are over 40,000 muscles tendons in an elephant's trunk
    • Did you know there are over 690 known species of bats
    • Did you know there are over 130 species of owl
    • Did you know a garfish has green bones
    • Did you know a camel can shut its nostrils during a desert sandstorm
    • Did you know a cat can keep purring while inhaling and exhaling
    • Did you know the spikes of a newborn hedgehog begin to appear within 24 hours
    • Did you know camels can drink 94 litres (25 gallons) of water in less than 3 minutes
    • Did you know you can smell a skunk 1.6km (1 mile) away
    • Did you know there are over 2,500 different types of mushrooms
    • Did you know there are over 7,000 different types of apples
    • Did you know thin skinned lemons are the juiciest
    • Did you know on the average there are 8 peas in a pod
    • Did you know you have to eat 5kg (11lb) of potatoes to put on .5kg (1lb) of weight (a potato has no more calories than an apple)
    • Did you know a connected bunch of bananas is called a hand and individual bananas are called fingers
    • Did you know the ice cream cone was introduced in 1904
    • Did you know 93% of households in Denmark consume wine (the highest % in the world with France second with 85% of households)
    • Did you know chocolate is the number 1 food craved by women
    • Did you know Americans consume over 10 billion bowls of soup each year
    • Did you know chicken drumsticks contain the least amount of meat on a chicken
    • Did you know cooking or freezing does not reduce the heat (spiciness) of a chile pepper
    • Did you know arachibutyrophobia is fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
    • Did you know dark green lettuce leaves are more nutritious than lighter ones
    • Did you know the average person consumes over a ton of food and drink each year
    • Did you know cabbage is 91% water
    • Did you know the most valuable nutrients of a potato are its skin
    • Did you know fresh apples float because they contain 25% air
    • Did you know green tea has 50% more vitamin C than black tea
    • Did you know lettuce is the worlds most popular green vegitable
    • Did you know there are over 100 different viruses that cause the common cold
    • Did you know Antarctica is 98% ice and 2% barren rock
    • Did you know Finland has the largest number of islands in the world (over 179,550)
    • Did you know the average Americans diet consists of 55% junk food
    • Did you know Canada has more doughnut shops per capita than any other country
    • Did you know 80% of all people hit by lightning are men
    • Did you know before beginning his movie career Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto Canada
    • Did you know Chevy Chase's real first name is Cornelius
    • Did you know the only thing that can destroy a diamond is intense heat
    • Did you know a 15th anniversary is called a quindecennial
    • Did you know a nanosecond is one billionth of a second
    • Did you know a whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound
    • Did you know men change their minds 2 to 3 times more than women (women tend to take longer to make a decision but once they do they are more likely to stick to it)
    • Did you know all pilots on international flights identify themselves in English regardless of their country of origin
    • Did you know brontology is the study of thunder
    • Did you know diamonds mined in Brazil are much harder than those found in Africa
    • Did you know dry ice transforms directly from being a solid to a gas
    • Did you know employees of the Vatican pay no income tax
    • Did you know the first city to mint its own gold coins was Florence, Italy in 1252
    • Did you know petrol has no specific freezing point (it can freezes at any temperature between -82 and -115C (-180 and -240F)
    • Did you know sound travels 10 times faster through granite than air
    • Did you know Japanese people don�t have middle names
    • Did you know some playing cards in India are round
    • Did you know the average pool cue is 1.4m (4.75ft) long
    • Did you know the expression to 'knuckle down' originated from playing marbles (players used to put their knuckles to the ground for their best shots)
    • Did you know the first aluminum drink can was introduced in 1964
    • Did you know the first drug that was sold as a water soluble tablet was aspirin in 1900
    • Did you know the national anthems of Japan, Jordan, and San Marino each have only 4 lines
    • Did you know there are only 3 sets of letters on a keyboard which are in alphabetical order (f g h, j k l, and o p)
    • Did you know women were not allowed to vote in France until 1944
    • Did you know a bumble bee flaps its wings at 160 times a second
    • Did you know a dragonfly can fly at 40kph (25mph)
    • Did you know flies can react to an object it sees and change direction in less than 30 milliseconds
    • Did you know a queen bee can lay up to 3,000 eggs in one day
    • Did you know ants can lift 50 times their own weight
    • Did you know bees can see ultraviolet light
    • Did you know 80% of the world's food crops are pollinated by insects
    • Did you know 10% of with world's food supply is consumed by insects
    • Did you know it takes 110 silkworm cocoons to make an average tie
    • Did you know queen termites can live up to 50 years
    • Did you know most spiders have transparent blood
    • Did you know caterpillars have over 2,000 muscles
    • Did you know the fastest insect is the Australian dragon fly (its top speed is 57 km/h (35mp/h))
    • Did you know honey bees kill more people each year than snakes
    • Did you know there are over 100,000 different species of butterflies
    • Did you know there are over 80,000 different species of ants
    • Did you know all the planets in our solar system could fit inside Jupiter
    • Did you know an area of the Suns surface to the equivalent of a postage stamp would shine with the brightness of over 1,500,000 candles
    • Did you know more than 1,000,000 Earths could fit inside the Sun
    • Did you know the world's first paved streets were laid in Rome in 170 B.C.
    • Did you know it takes 1,100 watts to power a toaster
    • Did you know natural gas has no smell (the odor is artificially added so that people are able to identify leaks)
    • Did you know there are exactly 1,048,576 bytes in 1 megabyte
    • Did you know rainbows can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon (the sun needs to be less than 40 above the horizon)
    • Did you know acorns are poisonous to humans (if eaten it can cause damage to your kidneys)
    • Did you know all hurricanes form over the sea and can last up to 10 days
    • Did you know there are over 225,000 trees in New York's Central Park
    • Did you know chalk is made from tiny plankton fossils
    • Did you know 80% of the world's rose species come from Asia
    • Did you know 8.5 million tons of water evaporates from the Dead Sea every day
    • Did you know every living thing on the Earth contains carbon
    • Did you know the Pacific Ocean is the world's largest
    • Did you know it takes 5 years for an oyster to produce a medium sized pearl
    • Did you know the average mature oak tree sheds over 700,000 leaves in Autumn
    • Did you know onions are part of the lily family
    • Did you know the primary reason for growing rice in flooded paddies is to drown the weeds surrounding the young seedlings (rice can grow in well drained areas)
    • Did you know the softest known mineral is talc
    • Did you know 'orology' is the study of mountains
    • Did you know 20% of China's plants are used in medicine
    • Did you know 2/3 of the world's eggplants are grown in the US New Jersey
    • Did you know humans are the only primates that don't have pigment in the palms of their hands
    • Did you know it was once illegal to slam your car door in Switzerland
    • Did you know moths have white blood
    • Did you know the diameter of Jupiter is 152,800km (88 700 miles)
    • Did you know the diameter of Earth is 12,756 km (7,926 miles)
    • Did you know the diameter of the sun is 1,390,000km (865,000 miles)
    • Did you know Mount Everest is 8.9km (5.5 miles) high
    • Did you know dolphin's can detect underwater sounds from 24 km (15 miles) away
    • Did you know dinosaurs lived on Earth for over 165 million years before they became extinct
    • Did you know jellyfish have been on Earth for over 650 million years
    • Did you know only pregnant females polar bears hibernate
    • Did you know polar bears are strictly carnivores
    • Did you know sharks have been on Earth for over 400 million years
    • Did you know some dinosaurs had tails over 13m (45 feet) long
    • Did you know the average age of a polar bear in the wild is 17 years
    • Did you know the tallest mammal is the giraffe
    • Did you know warthogs can reach speeds of 48km/h (29mph)
    • Did you know warthogs live for 15 years
    • Did you know hen baby polar bear cubs are born they cannot see or hear for their first month
    • Did you know 2 out of 5 people marry their first love
    • Did you know 30% of people refuse to sit on a public toilet seats
    • Did you know 45% of people use mouthwash everyday
    • Did you know less than 20% of shark attacks are fatal
    • Did you know people in Iceland read more books per capita than any other country
    • Did you know the average shower temperature is 38C (101F)
    • Did you know raindrops are not tear shaped (they more resemble the shape of a tiny hamburger bun)
    • Did you know the algae found in the world's oceans produces nearly 50% of the world's oxygen
    • Did you know the game of Tug-of-war was an Olympic sport from 1900-1920
    • Did you know there are 2,598,960 possible hands in a 5 card poker game
    • Did you know Nintendo first produced playing cards
    • Did you know the word denim comes from 'de Nimes' or from Nimes which is a town in France
    • Did you know there are over 600 windows on the Empire State Building
    • Did you know chameleons can move their eyes in two directions at the same time
    • Did you know a chameleon's tongue is twice as long as its body
    • Did you know a newborn kangaroo is about 1 inch in tall
    • Did you know a woodpecker can peck 20 times a second
    • Did you know catfish have over 100,000 taste buds
    • Did you know the world's smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat of Thailand
    • Did you know England's Stonehenge is over 5,000 years old
    • Did you know the Eiffel Tower is over 300m (984 ft) tall
    • Did you know the Eiffel Tower is repainted every 7 years
    • Did you know the Statue of Liberty weighs over 225 tons
    • Did you know there are 132 rooms in the US White House
    • Did you know banana plants are the largest plants without a woody stem (they belong to the same family as lilies, orchids and palms)
    • Did you know bananas are a good source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber
    • Did you know bananas contain no fat, cholesterol or sodium
    • Did you know over 96% of American households purchase bananas at least once a month
    • Did you know mosquitoes dislike citronella because it irritates their feet
    • Did you know mosquitoes prefer children to adults and blondes to brunettes
    • Did you know no two spider webs are the same
    • Did you know there are over 900,000 known species of insects
    • Did you know worker ants may live for 7 years and the queen up to 15
    • Did you know John Cadbury founded the Cadbury chocolate company in England in 1842 producing the first chocolate bars
    • Did you know Franklin Mars invented the Snickers Bar in 1930
    • Did you know Hawaii is the only US state that grows cacao beans which go into the production of chocolate
    • Did you know 1 plain milk chocolate bar has more protein than a banana
    • Did you know 52% of Americans drink coffee
    • Did you know Brazil accounts for 1/3 of the world's coffee production
    • Did you know coffee is generally roasted between 204 - 218C (400 - 425F) (the longer the beans are roasted the darker the roast)
    • Did you know coffee is grown commercially in over 45 countries around the world
    • Did you know coffee is the most popular beverage worldwide with over 400 billion cups consumed each year
    • Did you know coffee represents 75% of all the caffeine consumed in the US
    • Did you know as a world commodity coffee is second only to oil
    • Did you know dark roasted coffee beans contain less caffeine than medium roasted ones (the longer a coffee is roasted the more caffeine is burns off)
    • Did you know the first ground vacuum packed coffee was first introduced in 1900
    • Did you know Japan is the 3rd largest consumer of coffee
    • Did you know over 5 million people in Brazil are employed in the coffee industry
    • Did you know coffee trees produce its first full crop after 5 years old
    • Did you know the US is the world's largest consumer of coffee
    • Did you know there are around 30 milligrams of caffeine in the average chocolate bar while a cup of coffee has around 100 to 150
    • Did you know between 1931 and 1969 Walt Disney was awarded 35 Oscars
    • Did you know Disneyland opened in 1955
    • Did you know MTV (Music Television) made its debut at 12:01 a.m. August 1st 1981 (the first music video shown 'Video killed the radio star' by the Buggles)
    • Did you know the 1st full length animated film was released by Disney Studios in 1937 (it was Snow White and the seven dwarfs)
    • Did you know the hamburger was invented in 1900
    • Did you know the hottest chile in the world is the habanero
    • Did you know Australia is the only country that is also a continent
    • Did you know Europe is the only continent without a desert
    • Did you know Hawaii officially became apart of the US on June 14 1900
    • Did you know the dollar was established as the official currency of the US in 1785
    • Did you know the supersonic Concorde jet made its first trial flight on January 1st 1969
    • Did you know in 1872 Yellowstone in the US was the world's first national park
    • Did you know a person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation (Death can occur about 10 days without sleep while starvation takes a few weeks)
    • Did you know the average human drinks over 60,566 litres (16,000 gallons) of water in a lifetime
    • Did you know an individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body
    • Did you know by age 60 most people would have lost half of their taste buds
    • Did you know every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million bacteria on it
    • Did you know fingernails grow faster than toenails
    • Did you know humans shed and regrow outer skin cells every 27 days (almost 1,000 new skins in a lifetime)
    • Did you know it takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown
    • Did you know the human body has over 600 muscles (40% of the bodys weight)
    • Did you know in 1900 the average life span in the US was 47
    • Did you know the vocabulary of the average person is between 5,000 to 6,000 words
    • Did you know DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleicacid
    • Did you know the study of insects is called entomology
    • Did you know the word 'karate' means 'empty hand'
    • Did you know the Cambodian alphabet has 74 letters
    • Did you know the word fortnight is a contraction of the 2 words 'fourteen nights'
    • Did you know wheat is the world's most widely grown plant
    • Did you know Cheerios cereal was originally called Cheerioats
    • Did you know flushable toilets were in use in ancient Rome
    • Did you know the first credit card was a Diner's Club card issued in 1950
    • Did you know the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust is aluminum
    • Did you know the world's first roller coaster opened in 1884 at Coney Island New York
    • Did you know the average life span of a mosquito is 2 weeks
    • Did you know the average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in a lifetime
    • Did you know the Empire State Building in New York weighs over 365,000 tons
    • Did you know sea water is approximately 3.5% salt
    • Did you know there are over 900 species of bats
    • Did you know after bananas a zoo gorilla's favorite food is celery
    • Did you know the African Rock Python can survive 2 years without eating
    • Did you know the average American will consume over 465 trees worth of paper over their lifetime
    • Did you know over 550 hot dogs are eaten every second in the United States
    • Did you know instant mashed potatoes (dehydrated potato flakes) were invented in Canadian in 1962
    • Did you know in American supermarkets peanut butter is one of the most frequently purchased items
    • Did you know ostrich meat is the leanest of all red meats
    • Did you know banana plants can grow as high as 6 meters (20 feet) tall
    • Did you know blueberries are very high in antioxidants
    • Did you know the grapefruit gets its name from the way it grows in clusters like grapes on a vine
    • Did you know a pumpkin really is a fruit
    • Did you know laughing lowers levels of stress and strengthens your immune system
    • Did you know once a women reachs the age of 30 they lose 1% of their bone mass every year thereafter (by the time a women is 50 she will have lost 20%)
    • Did you know the surface area of your lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court
    • Did you know England's first great industry was wool
    • Did you know the average age at which America's presidents have taken office is 54
    • Did you know according to manufacturer Spalding the average lifespan of an NBA basketball is 10,000 bounces
    • Did you know the word 'almost' is the longest in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order
    • Did you know a pip is one of the spots on die or domino
    • Did you know the most commonly used word in English conversation is 'I'
    • Did you know the number 2 is the only number greater than zero that when added to or multiplied by itself gives you the same result (4)
    • Did you know the word 'taxi' is spelled the same in English, German, French, Swedish, and Portuguese
    • Did you know ablutophobia is the fear of bathing
    • Did you know achluophobiais the fear of the dark
    • Did you know acrophobia is the fear of heights
    • Did you know agoraphobia is the fear of wide open spaces
    • Did you know aichmophobia is the fear of needles and pointed objects
    • Did you know akousticophobia is the fear of noises
    • Did you know amathophobia is the fear of dust
    • Did you know atychiphobia is the fear of failure
    • Did you know brontophobia is the fear of thunderstorms
    • Did you know catoptrophobia is the fear of mirrors
    • Did you know dendrophobia is the fear of trees
    • Did you know gatophobia is the fear of cats
    • Did you know heliophobia is the fear of sunlight
    • Did you know helminthophobia is the fear of worms
    • Did you know herpetophobia is the fear of reptiles
    • Did you know hippophobia is the fear of horses
    • Did you know iatrophobia is the fear of doctors
    • Did you know ichthyophobia is the fear of fish
    • Did you know elissophobia is the fear of bees
    • Did you know elophobia is the fear of music
    • Did you know myrmecophobia is the fear of ants
    • Did you know ombrophobia is the fear of rain
    • Did you know ornithophobia is the fear of birds
    • Did you know siderodromophobia is the fear of trains
    • Did you know tachophobia is the fear of speed
    • Did you know zoophobia is the fear of animals
    • Did you know a lions feed once every 3 to 4 days
    • Did you know lion's can't roar until the age of 2
    • Did you know an office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet
    • Did you know you have over 600 muscles
    • Did you know all owls lay white eggs
    • Did you know mapping is older than writing
    • Did you know the bigger the orange the sweeter sweeter it is
    • Did you know from space the brightest man made place is Las Vegas
    • Did you know sesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words
    • Did you know triscadecaphobia is the fear of the number 13
    • Did you know the world's most expensive spice is saffron
    • Did you know the corkscrew was invented in 1890
    • Did you know Albert Einstein never knew how to drive a car
    • Did you know after you`ve eaten it takes approximately 12 hours for food to entirely digest
    • Did you know the human eye blinks over 4,200,000 times a year
    • Did you know the little hole in some sinks that lets the water drain out instead of flowing is called a 'porcelator'
    • Did you know the original name of Bank of America was Bank of Italy
    • Did you know the winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze over completely
    • Did you know there are 2 credit cards for every person in the US
    • Did you know 40% of Amsterdam commuters get to work by bicycle
    • Did you know$30 of raw popcorn translates into $3,000 in sales at movie theaters
    • Did you know a person produces enough saliva to fill 2 average size swimming pools during their lifetime
    • Did you know the average person sheds .7kg (1.5 pounds) of skin each year
    • Did you know the average woman will consume over 2.7kg (6 pounds) of lipstick in their lifetime
    • Did you know the human body creates 2,500,000 new red blood cells every second
    • Did you know a soap bubble is 10,000 times thinner than the average human hair
    • Did you know all snakes are carnivorous
    • Did you know the tentacles of the giant arctic jellyfish can reach 36.6 meters (120 feet)
    • Did you know the only letter which doesn't appear in the Periodic Table is j
    • Did you know October the 10th is national metric day
    • Did you know the typewriter was invented in 1829
    • Did you know the dishwasher was invented in 1889
    • Did you know the wristwatch was invented in 1904
    • Did you know diamonds are the hardest substance known to man
    • Did you know when hydrogen burns in the air water is formed
    • Did you know due to gravitational effects you weigh is slightly less when the moon is directly overhead
    • Did you know If you could drive to the sun at a speed of 88.5 km/h (55 mp/h) it would take around 193 years
    • Did you know hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe (75%)
    • Did you know the moon is 27% the size of the Earth
    • Did you know the center of the Sun is approximately 15 million C (27 million F)
    • Did you know sun light can penetrate clean ocean water up to a depth of 73m (240 feet)
    • Did you know cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 70 km/h (43mp/h) in 3 seconds
    • Did you know an astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space (the cartilage disks in the spine expand in the absence of gravity)
    • Did you know the oldest cockroach fossils are over 280 million years old
    • Did you know there are over 97,000 km (60,000 miles) of blood vessels in the average person

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