• avi

    Interesting Space Facts

    Here is a list of all the interesting facts about the space,universe, solar system, planets, the moon which you didn’t know. These facts will amaze you, and you will find that there are a lot of fun and interesting facts about space and all celestial bodies which you didn’t know until now !

    Interesting Space Facts List :
    • 41% of the moon is not visible from earth at any time!
    • In space, astronauts can’t cry properly because of the zero gravity!
    • Mars appears red because it’s covered in rust!
    • The longest possible eclipse of the sun is 7.31 minutes!
    • Our solar system was formed more than 4 billion years ago!
    • The sun looks 1600 times fainter from the pluto than it does from the earth!
    • Saturn’s rings are made up of particles of ice, dust and rock. Some particles are as small as grains of sand while others are much larger than skyscrapers!
    • Some large asteroids even have their own moon!
    • Halley’s Comet appears about every 76 years!
    • One million, million, million, million, millionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe was the size of a pea!
    • The Universe contains over 100 billion galaxies!
    • The risk of being struck by a falling meteorite for a human is one occurrence every 9,300 years!
    • It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for the light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth!
    • Every hour the Universe expands by a billion miles in all directions!
    • Even traveling at the speed of light it would take 2 million years to reach the nearest large galaxy, Andromeda!
    • The largest galaxies contain nearly 400 billion stars!
    • A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million!
    • The International Space Station orbits at 248 miles above the Earth!
    • The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion, billion, billion litres of alcohol!
    • The Temperature on the surface of Mercury exceeds 430 degrees celsius during the day and at night reaches up to minus 180 degrees!
    • 99% of the solar system’s mass is concentrated in the sun!
    • The Earth is 4.56 billion years old , the same age as the Moon and the Sun!
    • If our Sun was just an inch in diameter, the nearest star would be 445 miles away!
    • Golf the only sport played on the moon – on 6 February 1971 Alan Shepard hit a golf ball!
    • In the whole solar system, our home planet is the only one not named after a God!
    • Earth and Mercury are the two most dense planets in the Solar System!
    • From a distance, Earth would be the brightest of the planets. This is because sunlight is reflected off the planet’s water!
    • Light from the Earth takes just 1.255 seconds to reach the Moon!
    • Twelve people have walked on the moon!
    • The visual “tail” of a comet has nothing to do with its direction of travel; rather, solar wind pushes it so that it always points away from the Sun!
    • Jupiter is larger than 1,000 Earths!
    • The orbits of most asteroids lie partially between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter!
    • Asteroids are believed to be ancient remnants of the formation of our solar system!
    • The most dangerous asteroids, those capable of causing major regional or global disasters, usually impact the earth only once every 100,000 years on average!
    • There are over 20 million observable meteors per day!
    • Only 1 or 2 meteors reach the surface of earth per day!
    • The largest found meteorite was fund in Hoba, Namibia. It weighed 60 tonnes!
    • There are over 100 billion galaxies in the universe!
    • Europa, Jupiter’s moon is completely covered with ice!
    • There has only been 1 satellite destroyed by a meteor , it was the European Space Agency’s Olympus in 1993!
    • Light reflecting off the moon takes 1.2822 seconds to reach earth!

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