20 Interesting Facts about Pandas

Here is a list of 10 interesting facts about Giant Pandas which you didn’t know. These facts will amaze you, and you will find that there are a lot of fun and interesting facts about the big, fat and adorable considered pandas that you weren’t aware of until now!
Amazing Giant Panda Facts:
- A giant panda cub weighs around 150 grams only while a fully grown male can weigh up to 150kg!
- Pandas are the most expensive animals to be kept in zoos or captivity. A panda costs 5 times more than the next most expensive animal, an elephant!
- A giant panda eats as much as 10kg of bamboo per day!
- Pandas are actually bears!
- Usually,pandas spend half of their day eating, and the other half sleeping!
- All pandas around the world are on loan from China!
- A group of pandas is called an “embarrassment”!
- Beneath its outer fur, the skin of a giant panda is white where the fur is black and pink where the fur is white !
- Giant pandas are excellent tree climbers !
- Giant pandas are omnivorous, they eat both bamboo as well as small animals and fishes!
- Unlike most other bears, pandas don’t hibernate!
- The natural life span of a giant panda is about 30 years!
- In the wild, the lifespan of giant pandas is around 20 years!
- One of the reasons the World Wide Fund (WWF) chose the Panda as their logo was to save printing costs!
- Giant pandas possess a highly developed sense of smell that is used by the males to avoid each other and to find females for mating during the spring !
- A panda’s throat has a special lining of mucus to protect it from bamboo splinters!
- On the illegal trade market, a panda fur is worth between US$60,000 and US$100,000 !
- Female giant pandas are only fertile once for two to three days a year (during Spring Season)!
- Giant pandas have 6 digits on their paws, 5 fingers and 1 pseudo-thumb which help them holding and eating the bamboo more easily !
- Giant pandas have 42 teeth, and like humans, they also have 2 set of teeth during their lifetime!
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