• avi

    March/2015: Regarding Biblical "Prophesies"

    1/March/2015: Regarding Biblical "Prophesies"

    Something I need to bring to everyone’s attention, especially for those who are new to Satanism is concerning biblical prophesies. Please read this and know it. I don’t have the time right now to do any research on what I am going to write below, but I strongly suggest that any of you here who have any doubts and/or worries to do your own research. There are plenty of websites online where you can find proof.

    There have always been “earthquakes” “pestilences” ‘famines” “plagues” and above all, weather disasters and related. I was just watching the news and the unusual warming in Alaska and the snowstorms in the Eastern US, etc., were highlighted. Back in 2008, given my own experience, I noted how the commentators for the Beijing Olympics stated several times how the Chinese were able to stop rain by controlling the weather, as no one wanted rain for the Olympic Games. They were successful.

    Now, given the above, and how science has progressed and is now progressing at a rapid rate to where many are unable to even keep up with the plethora of technology, it is glaringly obvious that humanity has advanced to where the weather can be controlled. I also want to add here that the so-called “New World” being the Americas was not fully populated and did not have an extensive written history until give or take, some 400 years ago. Major earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes and other natural disasters were not recorded and did not factor in as they do today. This right here is major in the way of giving the amount of natural disasters and also, the media today is much more extensive in both covering this type of thing world-wide and in broadcasting it.

    My point here is these natural disasters are NOT “An act of God.” Scientists can now control the weather and even create this sort of thing. Scientists can create natural disasters and as most of us know, can create plagues and other biblical crap. Sadly, many followers/victims of Christianity, Islam and related are fooled into believing these events to be predictive of “the end” and this works well for the enemy in bringing in more victims to their nefarious program, due to a lack of knowledge.

    The entire Judeo/Christian Bible is nothing more than a powerful subliminal. I have said time and again and will repeat myself for new people here: there is NOTHING SPIRITUAL about Christianity, Islam and their Jewish root, other than the Jewish root is in control and at the top, the Jews use occult power to keep these nefarious programs thriving. The Jews become “God” and as most of us are aware, they DICTATE. They are always telling us Gentiles what we are to do, what we should think, how we should think, what to believe and everything else. THE JEWS DICTATE. Idiots jump up and get to it. They readily carry out the orders given by their Jewish masters.

    The Judeo/Christian Bible is NOT a “Word of God”! The book “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel” by William Koenig is very revealing, though the author himself [Christian] is very deluded. Anyone who is familiar with witchcraft and the workings of the mind and soul, rituals, etc., can see through this for what it is. Many of these so-called “prophesies” were put into motion centuries ago BY HUMAN BEINGS. Christians and even more so, Muslims [as many Muslims are in third world countries where there is a high percentage of illiteracy] and have no knowledge of the workings of the mind and soul. Anyone who has any knowledge related to witchcraft in Muslim dominated countries is murdered if they are found out. As I stated many times before, Islam and Christianity are murder and death focused programs, that have their foundations built upon genocide, mass-murder, torture, death and living for one’s death, destruction and violence…nothing more. Everyone always has to be sorry. The biblical subliminal is everyone is born into “original sin” everyone is in debt and everyone owes. So… everyone must pay the Jew.

    I remember seeing a movie a very long time ago “Little Odessa” where the Jewish father says to his son… “Rueben! Do your homework! Don’t be like some stupid goy on the block!” “Stupid goy” They feel they have the right to slur Gentiles as they please. No one ever really says anything against these Jewish “masters.”

    Most of you already know, that is how they look at us- “stupid goyim.” They feel they have a “God-given” RIGHT to dictate and tell us what to do and to use us as slaves and then throw us away. Disposable human beings.

    Don’t be an idiot. KNOW the truth. Take the time to study, learn, and find out about things. The only way a lie and hoax can be successful is if the victim/s do not know. Satan stands for knowledge. Don’t be duped! Know how the Jews work. These so-called “prophesies” are also highlighted and promoted by the Jewish-run media, movies, books and TV shows to keep the subliminal going and to keep these lies alive and thriving, bringing in many more victims. The mass-mind is very powerful. The torah is the Jewish life-line and the Christianity and Islam programs for Gentiles are the bulwark in giving power, belief, and energy to the Jewish programs.
    In addition to all of this, and my main point here for this article is; you think the Jewish scientists at the top aren’t going to try to control the weather, create plagues, pandemics and natural disasters [which they now have the technology to do so] to make those biblical prophesies appear to be real?
    They have controlled NASA for one, for decades. They work to control everything else, especially any program or organization of importance and influence, so go figure…

    The sciences, advanced education and learning and everything else including sex, the Jew works to rot these out from the inside, turning a positive into a negative, tainting everything and abusing freedoms and everything else to destroy civilization and humanity. Everything intended to help is turned by the Jew to destroy and transformed into something nefarious and very ugly.


    So… ask yourself, just what is so “evil” about wanting to be free? Many people are so indoctrinated; they can see the truth at all.