• avi

    20/July/15 - Extremely Serious, Please Read!

    Some of you may already be aware of this, but the majority of you are not. I have already written about the advanced technology and what is being done with it. There is nothing wrong with technology, it is needed, BUT it is how it is being used.

    I remember when I was a young girl, [I have written about this before], Satan came to me, but I didn’t know who or what this was until much later in life and he confirmed this, that it was him and that he did this so I would always remember the even as a spiritual occurrence. Needless to say, this was back in the early 1970’s when the sort of technology they have now didn’t exist like today. Always remember this: Satan and our Gods are natural and promote natural law. Everything of the enemy is artificial, imposter, falsified and corrupted.
    Getting to the point, here is an excerpt form the book “Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True” by Mark Dice © 2011:
    “Project Blue Beam” “While governments have perpetuated countless hoaxes, disinformation campaigns, and false flag terrorist attacks in order to manipulate populations of people―no plan is perhaps more grandiose than the idea of faking an appearance by God himself. There have been several times in recent history that the American government has proposed the idea of staging the appearance of God, who would then appear to speak to people and urge them to participate in an insurgency. This ‘supernatural’ event can be done through a combination of holographic projections and sophisticated sound systems.
    In February of 1999, the Washington Post reported on one of these plans, explaining that during the first Gulf war, the United States had actually considered projecting a huge holographic image of God in the sky over Baghdad. This plan included the use of a 5-15 KHz acoustic beam that would make it seem like God was talking to the Iraqi people and would urge them to turn on their leader Saddam Hussein.”
    In the excerpt below, Lilith explained to me that because communism has been failing as it has collapsed in Eastern Europe, Russia, etc., the enemy then uses Christianity the twin of communism to try to force their control:
    “A similar plan was considered under project Mongoose, a series of CIA operations against Cuba designed to overthrow Fidel Castro. Officials discussed having a submarine surface in the Havana harbor and project a huge Jesus-like figure onto the clouds that would then appear to speak and tell the Cuban people tom overthrow ‘Godless Communism.’”
    AGAIN, I reiterate what Lilith stated about this- when communism fails or is failing, the enemy then brings in the Christianity which is spiritual Bolshevism.
    “This technology has been called Project Blue Beam, and could be used to either stage a ‘supernatural‘ visitation from ‘God,’ or even one from aliens arriving from outer space. In 1987 President Ronald Regan made a very clear reference to aliens from outer space invading earth and causing all the nations of the world to unite and stop fighting each other. He actually said this at a United Nations meeting and a video of the statement can be found online.”
    The reference in the book for the above: “Speech at the Forty-Second UN General Assembly of the United Nations (September 21, 1987). “
    This sort of thing smacks of the enemy New World Order, especially if Israel would be the center as it states in that filthy bible of theirs.
    More from the excerpt: “Leaders throughout history, dating back to ancient times, have claimed to have the power of God, or to speak on behalf of God in order to control their people and maintain their power and authority. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that government officials involved in covert operations would try to use Big Brother technology to take on the appearance of God himself.” “God is power [and] we are the priests of power.” ― Emmanuel Goldstein, the bad guy in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
    Always remember! There are NO mediators in Satanism! http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ators.html
    In closing, I would also like to add another quote from a history book authored by a Jew:
    “Halevi became an eloquent spokesman for the moral grandeur of traditional Judaism and the implacable enemy of a secularized Jewish culture. Halevi’s greatest book, The Kuzari, was inspired by a kind of romantic nationalism, a distinctive proto-Zionism that celebrated not only the Jewish law and religious tradition, but the moral superiority of the Jewish people. The Kuzari was the favorite reading of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Zionists, and for good reason: ‘If we bear our exile and degradation for God’s sake, as is meet, we shall be the pride of the generation which will come with the Messiah, and accelerate the day of deliverance we hope for…. The gentiles merely serve to introduce and pave the way for the expected Messiah, who is the fruition, and they will all become His fruit. Then, if they acknowledge Him, they will become one tree….Jerusalem can only be rebuilt when Israel yearns for it to such an extent that they embrace her stones and dust.”
    From “The Civilization of the Middle Ages” by Norman F. Cantor © 1993

    High Priestess Maxine Dietrich www.joyofsatan.com