• avi

    Tap to top

    Just scrolled down a really long list in Notes, or worked your weary way through a ton of emails? Instead of laboriously scrolling back to the top, you can jump there immediately by tapping at the very top of the iPhone's screen. We'd rank this tip with the double-space full stop: it's reasonably widely known, but for everyone else it's a game-changer.

    And it's not just Notes and Mail; tap to top works in most iPhone apps. (It doesn't work in the marvellous Cricinfo app, we've noticed, but that app offers a little upward arrow icon that does the same thing. If tap to top isn't working, check for some equivalent function.)

    Some apps, cleverly, offer an undo on this function, just in case you tap it by accident and lose your place in a long article. The excellent Instapaper pops up a Return to Position command, for instance - and if the menu bars have disappeared you have to tap the top of the screen twice to activate the feature in the first place. Experiment to see if the app you're using offers some other variation on or evolution of this handy feature.