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    Soft real-time systems

    In soft real time system, the meeting of deadline is not compulsory for every time for every task but process should get processed and give the result. Even the soft real time systems cannot miss the deadline for every task or process according to the priority it should meet the deadline or can miss the deadline. If system is missing the deadline for every time the performance of the system will be worse and cannot be used by the users. Best example for soft real time system is personal computer, audio and video systems, etc.

    Memory Management: In simple words how to allocate memory for every program which is to be run and get processed in the memory (RAM or ROM). The schemes like demand paging, virtual memory, segmentation will under this management only.

    Segmentation: It is a memory management scheme where the physical memory is dividing into logical segments according to the length of the program. In the segmentation it will avoid unused memory, sharing will be done easily, protection for the program. Sometime Main memory cannot allocate memory to the segments Because of it variable length and large segments

    Paging: in this scheme the physical memory is divided in to fixed size pages. It has all functions of segmentation and also solves its disadvantages. Virtual memory is a memory management scheme where some part of secondary storage device will be used a physical memory when program lacks the physical memory to run the program.

    Process Management: thread contains set of instructions which can execute independently of other programs. Collection of thread is called the process or we can say process contains the sequential execution of program and state control of the operating system. Every operating system works by executing series of processes by the processor and give result back to the main memory. Operating systems contains two types of process

    System process: these processes are main responsible for working of operating system.

    Application process: These processes are invoked when particular application is stared and start executing with the help of other system process.

    Operating system should process each and every process given by the user and give results back, OS will also process the process according to the priority. Scheduling algorithm will take care of processes processing and Inter Process communications (IPC) semaphore’s, message queues, shared memory, pipes, FIFO’s will take care of resource allocation of the processes.

    File Management: How the files are place in the memory which file should be used by user, file permission (read, write and execute permissions), arrangement of files in the secondary memory and primary memory using file system etc. all the above functions are done by the file management.

    Device Management: management of devices like tape drive, hard drives, processor speed, optical drive, and memory devices will be done by the operating system.