• avi

    Blocking the Webcam

    Hackers are ever at bay and they’re always ready to capitalize on any vulnerability within a given system so that they can break into it.

    One lucrative form of ransomware attack is to take advantage of a computer’s vulnerability to install spyware that can take photos and videos via the webcam, only to send the data directly to the hacker in real time.

    They can then demand a ransom from you and, depending on the nature of the photos/videos they capture with the webcam, chances are you’d be even more incentivized to pay up the ransom.

    An easy fix to this is simply taping over your webcam or covering it in some way so hackers won’t be able to collect visual records of your everyday life if your computer is compromised

    This is a frightening, but plausible possibility. It’s no wonder why the CEO of Facebook has taped his webcam.