• avi

    "Christian Antisemites" - Oh My (Vey)

    Greetings to all our Comrades and Satanic Forces,
    First of all we have to begin on our recent manifold success on spiritually attacking the jews. Our spiritual warfare has payed a great deal. The enemy and their shithole existence is being acutely understood and more and more hated everyday. Their "6 gorillion" no longer works, their words fall in vain. These and all they are about, have always been based on lies. Historical lies, lies that have been pushed spiritually to prevail over the Truth. They had it for a moment, but what is a moment when somebody has made the Gods, who are Eternal, Their enemy? We will not stop the spiritual attacks, AT ANY cost. The jewish beast will be unmasked and be brought to Justice. No matter what, we will never, EVER stop.
    Now, my Comrades, you see this funny thing going on lately. You see, there are people out there, who consider themselves "Antisemites". They, at the same time, go against any of their so called "faiths" and "Statements", to bow to the Jewish Mesciach at night. They are "Christians". They get down on their knees, approve their ignorance and they pray to the "eternal" jew, who sits on the skies and will smite them if they do not. They also do love its "son", Oh vey, the Rabbi Emmanuel, or in other words, "Jesus". They faithfully will also fall in their knees to every xian, orthodox and catholic priest. They will succumb and "listen" to those who have been saying one thing in all ages "Worship the jews with your being, or die".

    In the same way you will see the xians behaving... Spiritual or Physical Fear morgering, lack of any use of logic, outright attacks, physical violence etc. What the Bible says, they do. And they do not even need to read this. They are under the biblical guidance. As openly as their "god" threatens, murders and does any crime, they would do but the Law and the State are keeping them from repeating a good old Salem Witchunt. This is favorable. But the nature of the very brainwashed xian always remains the same. The same old murderous brute.Like their pisslamic cousins, always on the hip. The same old spiritual gangsterism for people who cannot react or do not know from where all this stems. But beware, if someone is stronger, they go and kiss their feet. When they have power, like a rat witha knife, they will attempt to fuck anyone to die. This is like the Pope. When they had power, they went onto the killing rampage. Now, they are all love and hearts. Communistic dribble.

    They are the same ones who will buy into any threat. The ones so brainwashed, who cannot give up this unnatural, life hating religion, who has destroyed and killed all Gentile Ancestors, who these "christian antisemites" supposedly are trying to "defend". I ask again, where is their antisemitism, when they are blowing the dick of "jesus", they are lying their ass off despite all the evidence, biblical and historical, that this was a JEWISH HOAX? I know I ask too much of these cowards. Its too much to give up their pathetic, failure, disgusting criminal "god" who has been the reason of the "Middle Ages" and anything else that made Gentiles into this mess they are today.

    Very few idiotic "Gentiles" have made a choice to become as their slave masters, and to keep this meme propaganda going that somehow, Satan is some "bad guy", and all this funny things about how the jewish "god" will pluck the eyes of his own "people" (unfortunately for the slave brainwashed goyim who want to be its favorite instead of jews, it only favors the jews) The jewish "god" is a jewish "idea" and a jewish hoax, only made for the jooish fiends. All else unfortunately, is fat dust in the eyes of stupid people who choose to remain to stay as slaves to the jewish "powers" they are unable to overcme. I do not respect that choice and neither should it interest us, as the greater masses of the people are understanding the jewish problem acutely, and not like these slobs do. They cannot state that Satan did not give them a chance. This is what we are trying to ensure. We are not trying to ensure to turn everyone to see the Truth, but nobody must be able to state that they did not have the chance. Most people who are sensible will understand. Others can go back to the jewish owned farm and maybe become beef for their masters, who knows?